Дисертация д-р |
Момчил Мартинов Паунов, Разработване на биофизичен подход за фенотипиране и оценка на физиологичното състояние на фотосинтетичния апарат при растенията, Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“, Ръководител:проф. д-р Василий Николаевич Гольцев
Научен проект |
Момчил Паунов, Изследване механизмите на въздействие на електромагнитни полета с честота 2.45 GHz, излъчвани от безжични комуникационни системи, върху дрожди, Член, ФНИ, Номер на договора:КП-06-М61/2
Момчил Паунов, Разработване и изследване на нови модели радио канали и антени за надеждна и устойчива безжична свързаност, позволяваща иновативни приложения в бъдещото прецизно земеделие, базирано на IoT, Член, ФНИ, Номер на договора:КП-06-Н67/4
Момчил Паунов, Антенни структури за нови източници на захранване в безжични мрежи от следващо
поколение, Член, ФНИ, Номер на договора:КП-06-Н57/11
Момчил Паунов, Интердисциплинарен биотехнологичен подход за анализ и модулиране на биологичния потенциал на медицинското растение Nepeta nuda, Член, ФНИ, Номер на договора:КП-06-ПН56/6
Момчил Паунов, Биогенни летливи органични съединения, глобални климатични промени и възможност на растенията за aдаптация към променящата се среда, Член, ФНИ, Номер на договора:Б-02/8/2014/ДФНИ
Научно ръководство |
Момчил Паунов, Промени във фотосинтетичната активност и организация на фотосинтетичния апарат в отговор на дехидратация при три вида възкръсващи растения, Софийски университет, Биологически Факултет дипломна работа:София Златанова
Момчил Паунов, Изследване влиянието на електромагнитни полета, излъчвани от носими върху тялото на човек устройства, върху човешки еритроцити, Софийски университет, Биологически Факултет дипломна работа:Александра Александрова
Статия в научно списание |
Boyana Angelova, Gabriela Atanasova, Nikolay Atanasov, Momchil Paunov, Maria Gurmanova, Margarita Kouzmanova, Alterations in membrane stability after in vitro
exposure of human erythrocytes to
2.41 GHz electromagnetic field, BioRisk, issue:20, 2023, pages:83-96, doi:10.3897/biorisk.20.97616, SCOPUS, SJR (0.297 - 2022), SCOPUS Quartile: Q3 (2023)
Anna Zaharieva, Momchil Paunov, Zhenya Yordanova, Desislava Mantovska, Ivanka Tsacheva, Detelina Petrova, Grigor Zehirov, Danijela Misic, Ganka Chaneva, Miroslava Zhiponova, Uncovering the Interrelation between Metabolite Profiles and Bioactivity of In Vitro- and Wild-Grown Catmint (Nepeta nuda L.), Metabolites , vol:13, issue:10, 2023, doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo13101099, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.94 - 2022), SCOPUS Quartile: Q2 (2023), International
Greg M. Walter, James Clark, Antonia Cristaudo, Delia Terranova, Bruno Nevado, Stefania Catara, Momchil Paunov, Violeta Velikova, Dmitry Filatov, Salva. Cozzolino, Simon J. Hiscock, Jon R. Bridle, Adaptive divergence generates distinct plastic responses in two closely related Senecio species, Evolution, vol:76, issue:6, 2022, pages:1229-1245, doi:10.1111/evo.14478, Ref, Web of Science, International
Detelina Petrova, Uroš Gašić, Lyubomira Yocheva, Anton Hinkov, Zhenya Yordanova, Ganka Chaneva, Desislava Mantovska, Momchil Paunov, Lyubomira Ivanova, Mariya Rogova, Catmint (Nepeta nuda L.) Phylogenetics and Metabolic Responses in Variable Growth Conditions, Frontiers in Plant Science, vol:13, 2022, pages:1-23, ISSN (print):1664462X, doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.866777. eCollection 2022, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (1.359 - 2021), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (2022), International, PhD
Chaneva G, Tomov A, Paunov M, Hristova V, Ganeva V, Mihaylova N, Anev S, Krumov N, Yordanova Zh, Tsenov B, Vassileva V, Bonchev G, Zhiponova M, Jewel Orchid's Biology and Physiological Response to Aquaponic Water as a Potential Fertilizer., Plants (Basel, Switzerland), vol:11, issue:22, 2022, pages:3181-3181, ISSN (print):2223-7747, doi:10.3390/plants11223181, Ref, Web of Science, IF (4.658 - 2022), Web of Science Quartile: Q1 (2022), SCOPUS, SJR (0.77 - 2021), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (2022), PhD, MSc
Nikolay Atanasov, Gabriela Atanasova, Boyana Angelova, Momchil Paunov, Maria Gurmanova, Margarita Kouzmanova, Wearable Antennas for Sensor Networks and IoT Applications: Evaluation of SAR and Biological Effects, Sensors, vol:22, issue:14, 2022, Ref, Web of Science, IF (3.9 - 2022), SCOPUS, SJR (0.764 - 2022), SCOPUS Quartile: Q2 (2022)
Petrova N., Paunov M., Petrov P., Velikova V., Goltsev V., Krumova S., Polymer-modified single-walled carbon nanotubes affect photosystem II photochemistry, intersystem electron transport carriers and photosystem i end acceptors in pea plants, Molecules, vol:26, issue:19, 2021, doi:10.3390/molecules26195958, Ref, Web of Science, IF (4.412 - 2020), SCOPUS, SJR (0.782 - 2020), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (Chemistry)
Zhiponova M, Paunov M, Anev S, Petrova N, Krumova S, Raycheva A, Goltsev V, Tzvetkova N, Taneva S, Chaneva G, JIP-test as a tool for early diagnostics of plant growth and flowering upon selected light recipe, Photosynthetica, issue:58, 2020, pages:214-223, ISSN (print):0300-3604 , ISSN (online):1573-9058 , doi:10.32615/ps.2019.174, Ref, Web of Science, IF (3.189 - 2020), Web of Science Quartile: Q1 (2020), SCOPUS, SJR (0.755 - 2020), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (Plant Science)
Dimitrova S, Paunov M, Pavlova B, Dankov K, Kouzmanova M, Velikova V, Tsonev T, Kalaji HM, Goltsev V, Photosynthetic efficiency of two Platanus orientalis L. ecotypes exposed to moderately high temperature - JIP-test analysis, Photosynthetica, vol:58, issue:2, 2020, pages:657-670, doi:10.32615/ps.2020.012, Ref, Web of Science, IF (3.189 - 2020), Web of Science Quartile: Q1 (2020), SCOPUS, SJR (0.755 - 2020), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (Plant Science), International, PhD, MSc
Petrova N., Paunov M., Stoichev S., Todinova S., Taneva S., Goltsev V., Krumova S., Thylakoid membrane reorganization, induced by growth light intensity, affects the plants susceptibility to drought stress, Photosynthetica, vol:58, issue:2, 2020, pages:369-378, doi:10.32615/ps.2019.165, Ref, Web of Science, IF (3.189 - 2020), Web of Science Quartile: Q1 (2020), SCOPUS, SJR (0.755 - 2020), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (Plant Science)
Dimitrova V. L., Paunov M., Goltsev V., Geneva M. P., Markovska Y. K., Effect of soil salinity on growth, metal distribution and photosynthetic performance of two Lycium species, Photosynthetica, vol:57, issue:1, 2019, pages:32-39, doi:10.32615/ps.2019.006, Ref, Web of Science, IF (2.365 - 2019), SCOPUS, SJR (0.797 - 2019), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (Plant Science)
Dąbrowski P., Baczewska-Dąbrowska A. H., Kalaji H., Goltsev V., Paunov M., Rapacz M., Wójcik-Jagła M., Pawluśkiewicz B., Bąba W., Brestic M., Exploration of Chlorophyll a Fluorescence and Plant Gas Exchange Parameters as Indicators of Drought Tolerance in Perennial Ryegrass, Sensors, vol:19, issue:12, 2019, doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/s19122736, Ref, Web of Science, IF (3.031 - 2019), SCOPUS, SJR (0.653 - 2019), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (Instrumentation), International
Petrova N., Stoichev S., Paunov M., Todinova S., Taneva S. G., Krumova S., Structural organization, thermal stability, and excitation energy utilization of pea thylakoid membranes adapted to low light conditions, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, vol:41, issue:188, 2019, doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s11738-019-2979-6, Ref, Web of Science, IF (1.608 - 2019), SCOPUS, SJR (0.611 - 2019), SCOPUS Quartile: Q2 (Plant Science)
Dimitrova V., Paunov M., Goltsev V., Markovska Y., Effect of salt stress on chlorophyll a fluorescence and C4 photosynthetic enzymes of two Lycium species grown ex vitro in hydroponic system, J. Balkan Ecol., том:21, брой:1, 2018, стр.:53-65, Ref, PhD
Paunov M, Koleva L, Vassilev A, Vangronsveld J, Goltsev V, Effects of different metals on photosynthesis: Cadmium and zinc affect chlorophyll fluorescence in durum wheat, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, том:19, брой:3, 2018, стр.:787-0, doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms19030787, Ref, Web of Science, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени, PhD
Petrova N., Todinova S., Paunov M., Kovács L., Taneva S., Krumova S., Thylakoid membrane unstacking increases LHCII thermal stability and lipid phase fluidity, Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, vol:50, 2018, pages:425-435, doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10863-018-9783-7, Ref, Web of Science, IF (2.945 - 2020), SCOPUS, SJR (0.909 - 2019), International
Dąbrowski P, Kalaji MH, Baczewska AH, Pawluśkiewicz B, Mastalerczuk G, Borawska-Jarmułowicz B, Paunov M, Goltsev V, Delayed chlorophyll a fluorescence, MR 820, and gas exchange changes in perennial ryegrass under salt stress, Journal of Luminescence, том:183, 2017, стр.:322-333, Ref, Web of Science, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени, PhD
Dobrinka Balabanova, Momchil Paunov, Vasillij Goltsev, Ann Cuypers, Jaco Vangronsveld, Andon Vassilev, Photosynthetic Performance of the Imidazolinone Resistant Sunflower Exposed to Single and Combined Treatment by the Herbicide Imazamox and an Amino Acid Extract, Frontiers in Plant Science (Plant Nutrition), vol:7, 2016, pages:1559-0, Ref, Web of Science, International, PhD
Dąbrowski P., Baczewska A.H., Pawluśkiewicz B., Paunov M., Alexantrov V., Goltsev V., Kalaji M.H., Prompt chlorophyll a fluorescence as a rapid tool for diagnostic changes in PSII structure inhibited by salt stress in Perennial ryegrass, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, том:157, 2016, стр.:22-31, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2016.02.001, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.728 - 2016), SCOPUS Quartile: Q2 (Biophysics), PhD
Ivanina Vasileva, Juliana Ivanova, Momchil Paunov, Lilia Angelova, Urea from Waste Waters – Perspective Nitrogen and Carbon Source for Green Algae Scenedesmus sp. Cultivation, Ecology and Safety, vol:10, 2016, pages:311-319
Goltsev V. N., Kalaji H. M., Paunov M., Bąba W., Horaczek T., Mojski J., Kociel H., Allakhverdiev S. I., Variable chlorophyll fluorescence and its use for assessing physiological condition of plant photosynthetic apparatus, Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, vol:63, 2016, pages:869-893, doi:https://doi.org/10.1134/S1021443716050058, Ref, Web of Science, IF (1.481 - 2020), SCOPUS, SJR (0.349 - 2016), SCOPUS Quartile: Q3 (Plant Science), International
Stella Dimitrova, Kolyo Dankov, Momchil Paunov, Bojidara Pavlova, Vasilij Goltsev, Violeta Velikova, Tsonko Tsonev, Reto Strasser, Hazem Kalaji, Dark drops of prompt chlorophyll fluorescence as a novel approach for evaluation of the photosynthetic machinery state, Journal of Bioscience and Biotechnology 2015, 2015, стр.:103-113, ISSN (print):1314-6246, ISSN (online):1314-6246, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени, PhD, MSc
Momchil Paunov, Kolyo Dankov, Stella Dimitrova, Violeta Velikova, Tsonko Tsonev, Reto Strasser, Hazem Kalaji, Vasilij Goltsev, Effect of water stress on photosynthetic light phase in leaves of two ecotypes of Platanus orientalis L. Plants, Journal of Bioscience and Biotechnology 2015, 2015, стр.:15-23, ISSN (print):1314-6246, ISSN (online):1314-6246, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени, PhD, MSc
Vladimir Aleksandrov, Vasilena Krasteva, Momchil Paunov, Maria Chepisheva, Margarita Kousmanova, Hazem M. Kalaji, Vasilij Goltsev, Deficiency of some nutrient elements in bean and maize plants analyzed by luminescent method, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, том:20, брой:Supl. 1, 2014, стр.:24-30, Ref, Web of Science, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени, PhD, MSc
Статия в сборник (на конференция и др.) |
Gabriela Atanasova, Boyana Angelova, Margarita Kouzmanova, Nikolay Atanasov, Momchil Paunov, Maria Gurmanova, Assessment of Energy Absorption and Hemolysis of RBCs Due to a Wearable Antenna, 2021 29th National Conference with International Participation (TELECOM), 2021, pages:32-35, doi:10.1109/TELECOM53156.2021.9659602, Ref
Daniela Radeva, Stella Dimitrova, Bojidara Pavlova, Momchil Paunov, Margarita Kouzmanova, Kolyo Dankov, Tsonko Tsonev, Violeta Velikova, Vasilij Goltsev, “Plant Health” Estimation using Prompt Chlorophyll a fluorescence imaging in leaves of two varieties of bean plants, Proceedings of XII-th National Medical Physics and Biomedical engineering conference NMPEC, 2016, pages:198-212, PhD, MSc
Участие в конференция |
Постер, Момчил Паунов, Electromagnetic Fields in Precision Agriculture - Do They Provoke Oxidative Stress in Maize Plants?
Постер, Момчил Паунов, Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields Used in Precision Agriculture Do Not Affect Antioxidant Systemn in Maize