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Научни приноси на ас. Ирена Павлова

Author ID (SCOPUS):16239893500

Глава от книга
Vassilev, V, Ilieva, S., Krasteva, I., Pavlova I., Petrova-Antonova, D, Sowinski-Mydlarz, W., AI-Based Hybrid Data Platforms, ISSN (online):, Springer, Curry, E., Scerri, S., Tuikka, T. (eds) Data Spaces . Springer, Cham. , Ref, Рецензирано, International 2022
Научен проект
1 Ирена Павлова, DATAPACT: COMPLIANCE BY DESIGN OF DATA/AI OPERATIONS AND PIPELINES, Член, Европейска комисия - Хоризонт Европа, Номер на договора:101189771 2025
2 Ирена Павлова, INTEND - Intent-based Data Operation in the Computing Continuum, Член, Европейска комисия - Хоризонт Европа, Номер на договора:101135576 2024
3 Ирена Павлова, deployEMDS - European Mobility Data Space, Член, Европейска комисия - Цифрова Европа, Номер на договора:101123520 2023
4 Ирена Павлова, DISPATCHES - ERA Chair in Data Spaces for Cultural Heritage , Член, Европейска комисия - Хоризонт Европа, Номер на договора:101087249 2023
5 Ирена Павлова, DiverSea - Integrated Observation, Monitoring and Prediction Architecture for Functional Biodiversity of Coastal Seas, Член, Европейска комисия - Хоризонт Европа, Номер на договора:101082004 2023
6 Ирена Павлова, ExcellEnt - Expanding European Entrepreneurship by Boosting Youth (Self) Employability and Promoting a Sharing Resources Culture, Член, Европейска комисия - Хоризонт Европa 2023
7 Ирена Павлова, VELES Excellence Hub - Regional Smart Health Data Space, Член, Европейска комисия - Хоризонт Европа, Номер на договора:101087483 2023
8 Ирена Павлова, BROD - Bulgarian-Romanian Observatory of Digital Media, Член, Европейска комисия - Цифрова Европа 2022
9 Ирена Павлова, DSSC - Data Spaces Support Centre, Член, Европейска комисия - Цифрова Европа 2022
10 Ирена Павлова, EnRichMyData - Enabling Data Enrichment Pipelines for AI-Driven Business Products and Services, Член, Европейска комисия - Хоризонт Европа 2022
11 Ирена Павлова, COVID-19 HUB - Information, innovation and implementation of integrative research works, Член, Конкурс за финансиране на фундаментални научни изследвания по обществени предизвикателства, свързани с пандемията от COVID-19– 2020 г. 2021
12 Ирена Павлова, InterTwino - Enrichment of competences by enrichment of data for AI, Член, Европейски нучни мрежи, Номер на договора:D01-89 2021
13 Ирена Павлова, SAI - Social Explainable Artificial Intelligence, Член, CHIST-ERA, Номер на договора:КП-06-ДОО2-5 2021
14 Ирена Павлова, CyberTwin - Укрепване на научните постижения и капацитета за иновации в киберсигурността чрез побратимяване, Член, Европейски нучни мрежи, Номер на договора:ДО1-270/02.10.2020 2020
15 Ирена Павлова, GATE - Големи данни в полза на интелигентно общество, Член, European Commission H2020, Номер на договора:857155 2019
16 Ирена Павлова, GATE - Големи масиви от данни в полза на интелигентно общество, Член, European Commission H2020, Номер на договора:763566 2017
17 Ирена Павлова, MOVECO - Mobilising Institutional Learning for Better Exploitation of Research & Innovation for the Circular Economy, Член, DANUBE TRANSNATIONAL PROGRAMME, Номер на договора:DTP 1-349-1.1 2017
18 Ирена Павлова, Smart@City Иновативни решения с големи данни за интелигентни градове, Член, ФНИ на МОН 2017
19 Ирена Павлова, ITDGate - Извличане на знания и вземане на решения от големи масиви данни в електронното управление, Член, МОН 2016
20 Ирена Павлова, SKILLS+ - Supporting knowledge capacity in ICT among SME to engage in growth and innovation, Член, INTERREG EUROPE - European Regional Development Fund , Номер на договора:PGI00088 2016
21 Ирена Павлова, V-ALERT- Virtual World for Awareness and Learning on Information Security, Член, Framework Lifelong Learning Programme / Key Activity 3 – ICT / Multilateral Project (European Commission, EACEA), Номер на договора:543224-LLP-1-2013-1-GR-KA3-KA3MP 2013
22 Ирена Павлова, Информационни Компоненти на Храненето Nutrition Information Components – NIC, Член, ОП „Развитие на конкурентоспособността на българската икономика 2007-2013 г., Номер на договора:BG161PO003-1.1.06-0099-C0001 2013
23 Ирена Павлова, ADaptive Virtual ENterprise ManufacTURing Environment (ADVENTURE), Член, European Commission FP7 , Номер на договора:285220 2011
Статия в научно списание
1 Dessislava Petrova-Antonova, Jelyazko Jelev, Irena Pavlova, Air quality monitoring platform with multiple data source support, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2021, pages:1-17, ISSN (online):1556-7036, doi:, Ref, Web of Science, IF (3.447 - 2020), Web of Science Quartile: Q2 (Engineering, Chemical), SCOPUS, SJR (0.477 - 2020), MSc 2021
2 Dessislava Petrova-Antonova, Sylvia Ilieva, Irena Pavlova, Big Data Research and Application – A Systematic Literature Review, Serdica Journal of Computing, vol:11, issue:2, 2017, pages:73-114, ISSN (online):1314-7897, Ref, Zentralblatt(MATH) 2017
3 D. Damyanov, I. Pavlova, S. Ilieva, V. Gourev, V. Yordanov, T. Mishonov, Planck’s constant measurement by Landauer quantization for student laboratories, European Journal of Physics , vol:36, issue:5, 2015, doi:10.1088/0143-0807/36/5/055047 2015
4 Sylvia Ilieva, Avram Eskenazi, Aleksandar Dimov, Irena Pavlova, An Analysis and Forecast of Software and Services Research in Bulgaria, Serdica Journal of Computing, vol:4, issue:2, 2010, pages:133-158, ISSN (print):1312-6555, ISSN (online):1314-7897, Ref 2010
Статия в поредица
Vassilev, V., Sylvia Ilieva, Krasteva I., Irena Pavlova, Dessislava Petrova-Antonova, Sowinski-Mydlarz, W., AI-Based Hybrid Data Platforms, Springer,, vol:Data Spaces , editor/s:Curry, E., Scerri, S., Tuikka, T. , Publisher:Springer,, 2022, pages:147-170, ISSN (print):978-3-030-98635-3, ISSN (online):978-3-030-98636-0, doi:, Ref, IF (0.72 - 2023), Web of Science Quartile: Q3 (2022), International 2022
Статия в сборник (на конференция и др.)
1 Pavlova I., Song, Hui, Roman, Dumitru, Husom, Erik Johannes, Petrova-Antonova, D, Firmani, Donatella, Dautov Rustem, INTEND: Human-Like Intelligence for Intent-Based Data Operations in the Cognitive Computing Continuum, 8th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning, editor/s:Rula A., Sallinger E., Savkovic O., Ciuciu I.G., Toma I., Parreira J.X., Prodan R., Song H., Soylu A., Publisher:CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2024, ISSN (print):16130073, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.191 - 2023), International 2024
2 Firmani, Donatella, Song, Hui, Roman, Dumitru, Pavlova I., Petrova-Antonova, D, INTEND: Intent-Based Data Operation in the Computing Continuum, 36th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, CAiSE-RPE 2024, editor/s:Matulevicius R., Proper H.A., Publisher:CEUR-WS, 2024, ISSN (online):16130073, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.191 - 2023), SCOPUS Quartile: Q4 (2024), International 2024
3 Dessislava Petrova-Antonova, Stefan Baychev, Irena Pavlova, Georgi Pavlov, Air Quality Visual Analytics with Kibana, The 5th IEEE International conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies, Publisher:IEEE, 2020, doi:10.23919/SpliTech49282.2020.9243708, Ref, International 2020
4 Dessislava Petrova-Antonova, Iva Krasteva, Sylvia Ilieva, Irena Pavlova, Conceptual Architecture of GATE Big Data Platform, 20th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (CompSysTech'2019), editor/s:Т. Vassilev, А. Smrikarov, University of Ruse, Publisher:ACM, 2019, pages:261-268, ISBN:978-1-4503-7149-0, doi:10.1145/3345252.3345282, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.2 - 2019) 2019
5 Dessislava Petrova-Antonova, Sylvia Ilieva, Irena Pavlova, Towards a Technological Platform for Transparent and Flexible Assessment of Smart Cities, Proc. of the 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management - Volume 1: KDIR, editor/s:Fred A.,Filipe J., Publisher:SciTePress, 2018, pages:374-381, ISBN:978-989-758-330-8, doi:10.5220/0007230203740381, Ref 2018
6 Georgi Pavlov, Velimir Manafov, Irena Pavlova, Atanas Manafov, Holistic, Scalable and Semantic Approach at Interoperable Virtual Factories, Enterprise Interoperability, I-ESA 14 Proceedings, editor/s:M. Lauras, M. Zelm, B. Archimède, F. Bénaben, G. Doumeingts, Publisher:John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA. , 2015, doi:DOI: 10.1002/9781119081418.ch13, Ref, International, PhD 2015
7 Atanas Manafov, Georgi Pavlov, Velimir Manafov, Irena Pavlova, Interoperable Data Provisioning and Discovery for Virtual Factories, Advances in Sustainable and Competitive Manufacturing Systems, 23rd International Conference on Flexible Automation & Intelligent Manufacturing, editor/s:Ameico Azavedo, Publisher:Springer, 2014, pages:401-413, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-00557-7_33, Ref, PhD 2014
8 Atanas Manafov, Georgi Pavlov, Velimir Manafov, Irena Pavlova, An “Adventurous” Approach towards Virtual Entrepreneurship, Proceedings of Fifth International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development ICEIRD 2012, 2012 2012
9 Aleksandar Dimov, Dessislava Petrova-Antonova, Stavros Stavru, Irena Pavlova, Autonomic and Reconfigurable Compositions of Web Services Based on Quality of Service, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technologies, (InfoTech), 2012, pages:53-60, ISSN (print):1314-1023, Ref, PhD 2012
10 K. Mitev, I. Dimtrova, S. Georgiev, I. Pavlova, S. Ilieva, D. Damianov, G. Gerganov, Calibration of Rack Beta – Spectral 1219 Liquid Scintillation Counter for radon in water measurements, Proceedings of the 22th National Scientific Symposium with international participation “Metrology and Metrology Assurance 2012, 2012, MSc 2012
11 Irena Pavlova, Petrova-Antonova, Dessislava, Avram Eskenazi, Sylvia Ilieva, Aleksandar Dimov, An Analysis and Forecast of Software and Services Research in Bulgaria – Comparing the Situation Two Years Later, Proc. of the Third International Conference on Software, Services and Semantic Technologies, editor/s:Darina Dicheva, Zdravko Markov, Eliza Stefanova, Publisher:Springer Verlag, 2011, pages:103-110, ISSN (print):1867-5662, ISSN (online):1867-5670, ISBN:978-3-642-23162-9, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-23163-6_15, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.146 - 2011) 2011
12 Irena Pavlova, Aleksandar Dimov, Built-in testing of embedded software systems, Proceedings of the 46th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST 2011), Publisher:Unigraf, Serbia, 2011, pages:869-872, ISBN:978-86-6125-033-0, Ref 2011
13 Irena Pavlova, Aleksandar Dimov, Advanced approach for effective verification of component based software systems, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Software, Services & Semantic Technologies (S3T 2010), 2010, pages:196-201, ISBN:978-954-9526-71-4, Ref 2010
14 Irena Pavlova, Georgi Pavlov, Applying Built-in Testing for Improved Quality and Interoperability of Enterprise Components, Conference on Software, Services & Semantic Technologies, 2009 2009
15 Aleksandar Dimov, Sylvia Ilieva, Irena Pavlova, Avram Eskenazi, Software and Services – Research and Education in Bulgaria, Сборник доклади от националната конференция "Образованието в информационното общество”, 2009, pages:9-16, Ref 2009
16 Aleksandar Dimov, Irena Pavlova, Sylvia Ilieva, Architectural properties of Software Components and Services, Proceedings of the Fourth International Bulgarian-Greek Conference Computer Science, Publisher:Heron Press, 2008, pages:443-448, ISBN:978-954-580-255-3, Ref 2008
17 Avram Eskenazi, Sylvia Ilieva, Aleksandar Dimov, Irena Pavlova, Present and Future of Bulgarian Research in Software and Services, Proceedings of the International Conference of Automatics and Informatics, 2008, pages:1-6, Ref 2008
18 Irena Pavlova, Testability of component based and service oriented systems, International Scientific Conference Automatics and Informatics, 2008 2008
19 Irena Pavlova, Application of Built-in testing on SAVE component model, The pioneers of Bulgarian Mathematics, 2006, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2006
20 Irena Pavlova, Mikael Åkerholm, Johan Fredriksson, Application of built-in-testing in component-based embedded systems, ROSATEA '06 Proceedings of the ISSTA 2006 workshop on Role of software architecture for testing and analysis , Publisher:ACM New York, NY, USA, 2006, pages:51-52, doi:10.1145/1147249.1147256, Ref, International, PhD 2006
Участие в конференция
1 Секционен доклад, Ирена Павлова, Holistic, Scalable and Semantic Approach at Interoperable Virtual Factories 2014
2 Секционен доклад, Ирена Павлова, Interoperable Data Provisioning and Discovery for Virtual Factories 2013