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Научни приноси на доц. д-р Елисавета Пенева

Author ID (SCOPUS):6602383666

Researcher ID (Web of Science):R-5975-2016

ORCID ID:0000-0003-1325-685X
Глава от книга
1 Boriana Chtirkova, Elisaveta Peneva, Gergana Georgieva, Numerical Weather Prediction for the Bulgarian Antarctic Base Area and Sensitivity to the SST Variable, ISSN (print):, ISSN (online):, Springer, Cham, Ref 2021
2 V. Galabov, A. Kortcheva, E. Peneva, G. Kortchev, M. Dimitrova, J. Marinski, Application of hydrodynamic, pollution drift and wave models as tools for better environmental management of ports, in Sustainable Development of Sea-Corridors and Coastal Waters: The TEN ECOPORT project in South East Europe, Springer 2015
3 Tsimplis, M, V. Zervakis, S. Josey, E. L. Peneva, M.V. Struglia, E. V. Stanev, P. Lionello, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli, V. Artale, A. Theocharis, Changes in the Oceanography of the Mediterranean Sea and their Link to Climate Variability. In Lionelo et al., eds Mediterranean Climate Variability, Elsevier, Ref, Рецензирано, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2006
Дипломна работа
Елисавета Лазарова Пенева, Верификация на регионални климатични модели за района на България, Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски" , Ръководител:проф. дфзн Емил Станев 1996
Дисертация д-р
Елисавета Лазарова Пенева, Изменчивост на свободната повърхност и циркулацията на Черно море и обмена със Средиземно море, Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски", Ръководител:проф. дфзн Емил Станев 2001
Научно ръководство
1 Елисавета Пенева, Анализ и прогноза на вятъра с помощта на мезомащабен числен модел за територията на Република България, Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски" дипломна работа:Росен Пенчев 2017
2 Елисавета Пенева, Анализ на вятъра на пистата на летище София за периода 2012-2016, Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски" дипломна работа:Владимир Малчев Малчев 2017
3 Елисавета Пенева, Изследване на циркулацията на Черно море по данни от числени симулации, алтиметрични и хидрографски измервания, Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски" дисертация д-р:Милена Миланова 2017
4 Елисавета Пенева, Климатични проекции за ХХІ век на температурата и валежите за България по данни от проект CORDEX, Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски" дипломна работа:Мартина Валериева Цветанова 2017
5 Елисавета Пенева, Изследване на заледяването в Черно море, Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски" дипломна работа:Дамян Иванов 2016
6 Елисавета Пенева, Класификация на типовете циркулации за района на България за периода 1961-1990, Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски" дипломна работа:Вълчо Попхристов 2016
7 Елисавета Пенева, Климатични промени в глобалната атмосферна циркулация, Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски" дипломна работа:Мирна Матов 2016
8 Елисавета Пенева, Климатични промени в глобалната атмосферна циркулация, Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски" дипломна работа:Мирна Матов 2016
9 Елисавета Пенева, Тенденции в режима на валежите в България за периода 1973-2015 г. по станции София, Сандански и Бургас, Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски" дипломна работа:Полина Шаламанова 2016
10 Елисавета Пенева, Авиационно-климатично описание на летище Пловдив, Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски" дипломна работа:Венелина Тоскова 2015
11 Елисавета Пенева, Климатични проекции за XXI век за Средиземноморския район-проект Med-CORDEX, Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски" дипломна работа:Мартина Цветанова 2015
12 Елисавета Пенева, Характеристики на опасните метеорологични явления ураган и торнадо, Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски" дипломна работа:Марио Ганчев 2015
13 Елисавета Пенева, Мисия и характеристики на спътник METEOSAT второ поколение (MSG), Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски" дипломна работа:Николай Бочев 2014
14 Елисавета Пенева, Режим на температурите и валежите по долините на реките Струма, Места и Вардар за периода 1951-1990 г., Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски" дипломна работа:Христо Попов 2013
15 Елисавета Пенева, Тенденция на температурата за периода 1901-2001 за района на България по данни на CRU. Сравнение с данни от измервания, Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски" дипломна работа:Снежана Николаева Кирова 2013
16 Елисавета Пенева, Характеристики на вятъра в гр. Варна за периода 1990г.-2010г. за целите на авиометеорологичните прогнози, Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски" дипломна работа:Светлана Иванова 2013
17 Елисавета Пенева, Числени симулации на температурата и валежа за територията на Балкански полуостров с RegCM 4.3, Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски" дипломна работа:Рилка Стефанова Вълчева 2013
18 Елисавета Пенева, Алгоритми в метеорологията – определяне на приземната температура от геостационарните спътници, Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски" дипломна работа:Кирил Ганчев 2012
Редактор на издание нереферирано
Елисавета Пенева, Годишник на Физически факултет на Софийски Университет "Св. Климент Охридски", Редактор на издание нереферирано 2016
Статия в научно списание
1 E. Peneva, M. Matov, M. Tsekov, Mediterranean Influence on the Climatic Regime over the Balkan Peninsula from 1901–2021, Climate, vol:11, 2023, pages:68-0, doi:https://, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.728 - 2021), SCOPUS Quartile: Q2 (2021), PhD 2023
2 M. Matov, E. Peneva, V. Galabov, Black Sea Freezing and Relation to the Winter Conditions in 2006–2021 , Atmosphere, vol:13, issue:6, 2022, pages:974-0, ISSN (online):2073-4433, doi:, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.66 - 2022), SCOPUS Quartile: Q2 (2022), PhD 2022
3 S.A. Ciliberti, E. Jansen, G. Coppini, E. Peneva, D. Azevedo, S. Causio, L. Stefanizzi, S. Creti, R. Lecci, L. Lima, The Black Sea Physics Analysis and Forecasting System within the Framework of the Copernicus Marine Service, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, vol:10, issue:1, 2022, pages:48-0, ISSN (online):20771312, doi:, Ref, Web of Science, IF (2.4 - 2020), SCOPUS, SJR (0.46 - 2020), SCOPUS Quartile: Q2 (2022), International 2022
4 L. Lima, S. A. Ciliberti, A. Aydogdu, S. Masina, R. Escudier, A. Cipollone, D. Azevedo, S. Causio, E. Peneva, R. Lecci, Climate Signals in the Black Sea From a Multidecadal Eddy-Resolving Reanalysis, Frontiers in Marine Science, 2021, doi:, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (1.36 - 2021), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (Aquatic Sciences), International 2021
5 von Schuckmann, K., Le Traon P.-Y., Smith N., Pascual A., Djavidnia S., Gattuso J.-P., Gregoire M., Aaboe S., Alari V., E. Peneva, Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report, Issue 5, Journal of Operational Oceanography, vol:14, 2021, pages:1-185, ISSN (online):1755876X, doi:10.1080/1755876X.2021.1946240, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.56 - 2020), SCOPUS Quartile: Q2 (2021), International 2021
6 I. Gancheva, E. Peneva, V. Slabakova, Detecting the surface signature of Riverine and effluent plumes along the Bulgarian black sea coast using satellite data, Remote Sensing, vol:13, issue:20, 2021, pages:4094-0, ISSN (online):20724292, doi:, Ref, Web of Science, IF (4.8 - 2020), Web of Science Quartile: Q1 (2021), SCOPUS, SJR (1.29 - 2020), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (2021), PhD 2021
7 Stanev E.V., Chtirkova B., E. Peneva, Geothermal Convection and Double Diffusion Based on Profiling Floats in the Black Sea, Geophysical Research Letters, vol:48, issue:2, 2021, ISSN (online):00948276, doi:2020GL091788, Ref, Web of Science, IF (4.7 - 2020), Web of Science Quartile: Q1 (2021), SCOPUS, SJR (2.01 - 2020), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (2021), MSc 2021
8 S.A. Ciliberti, M. Gregoire, J. Staneva, A. Palazov, G. Coppini, R. Lecci, E. Peneva, M. Matreata, V. Marinova, S. Masina, Monitoring and forecasting the ocean state and biogeochemical processes in the black sea: Recent developments in the copernicus marine service, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, vol:9, issue:10, 2021, pages:1146-0, ISSN (online):20771312, doi:, Ref, Web of Science, IF (2.4 - 2020), SCOPUS, SJR (0.46 - 2020), SCOPUS Quartile: Q2 (2021), International 2021
9 B. Chtirkova, E. Peneva, G. Georgieva, Numerical Weather Prediction for the Bulgarian Antarctic Base Area and Sensitivity to the SST Variable, Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol:361, 2021, pages:339-355, ISSN (print):21984182, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-70190-1_23, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.14 - 2020), SCOPUS Quartile: Q4 (2021), MSc 2021
10 I. Gancheva, E. Peneva, Remote Sensing and Modelling of the Mopang Oil Pollution Near the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, Studies in Systems, Decision and Control - , vol: 361, 2021, pages:383-398, ISSN (print):21984182, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-70190-1_26, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.14 - 2020), SCOPUS Quartile: Q4 (2021), PhD 2021
11 von Schuckmann K., Le Traon P.-Y., Smith N., Pascual A., Djavidnia S., Gattuso J.-P., Grégoire M., Nolan G., Aaboe S., E. Peneva, Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report, Issue 4, Journal of Operational Oceanography, vol:13, issue:Issue S1, 2020, pages:1-172, ISSN (online):1755876X, doi:10.1080/1755876X.2020.1785097, Ref, Web of Science, IF (4.04 - 2019), SCOPUS, SJR (1 - 2019), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (2020), International 2020
12 Di Cesare A., Dzhembekova N., Eckert E.M., Slabakova V., Slabakova N., E. Peneva, Bertoni R., Corno G., Salcher M.M., Kamburska L., Genomic Comparison and Spatial Distribution of Different Synechococcus Phylotypes in the Black Sea, Frontiers in Microbiology, vol:11, 2020, ISSN (online):1664302X, doi:10.3389/fmicb.2020.01979, Ref, Web of Science, IF (4.2 - 2019), SCOPUS, SJR (1.69 - 2019), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (2020), International 2020
13 Palazov A., Ciliberti S., E. Peneva, Gregoire M., Staneva J., Lemieux-Dudon B, Masina S., Pinardi N., Vandenbulcke L., Behrens A., Black sea observing system, Frontiers in Marine Science, vol:6, 2019, ISSN (online):22967745, doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00315, Ref, Web of Science, IF (3.66 - 2019), SCOPUS, SJR (1.42 - 2019), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (2019), International 2019
14 E. Stanev, E. Peneva, B. Chtirkova, Climate Change and Regional Ocean Water Mass Disappearance: Case of the Black Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, vol:124, issue:7, 2019, pages:4803-4819, doi:, Ref, Web of Science, IF (3.559 - 2019), SCOPUS, SJR (1.73 - 2019), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (2019), MSc 2019
15 Le Traon, P.Y, Reppucci, A., Fanjul, E.A., Aouf, L, Behrens, A., Belmonte, M, Bentamy, A., Bertino, L., Brando V.E., E. Peneva, From observation to information and users: The Copernicus Marine Service Perspective(Review), Frontiers in Marine Science, vol:6, 2019, Ref, Web of Science, IF (3.66 - 2019), SCOPUS, SJR (1.42 - 2019), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (2019), International 2019
16 Callieri, Cristiana, Slabakova, Violeta, Dzhembekova, Nina, Slabakova, Nataliya, Peneva, Elisaveta, Cabello-Yeves, Pedro J., Di Cesare, Andrea, Eckert, Ester M., Bertoni, Roberto, Corno, Gianluca, The mesopelagic anoxic Black Sea as an unexpected habitat for Synechococcus challenges our understanding of global "deep red fluorescence", ISME JOURNAL, vol:13, issue:7, 2019, pages:1676-1687, ISSN (print):1751-7362, ISSN (online):1751-7370, doi:10.1038/s41396-019-0378-z 2019
17 Callieri C., Slabakova, V., Dzhembekova N., Slabakova N., E. Peneva, Cabello-Yeves P.J., Di Cesare A., Eckert E.M., Bertoni R., Corno, G., The mesopelagic anoxic Black Sea as an unexpected habitat for Synechococcus challenges our understanding of global “deep red fluorescence”, ISME Journal, vol:13, 2019, pages:1676-1687, ISSN (online):17517362, doi:10.1038/s41396-019-0378-z, Ref, Web of Science, IF (9.18 - 2019), SCOPUS, SJR (5.07 - 2019), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (2019), International 2019
18 von Schuckmann, K., Le Traon PY, Smith N, Pascual A., Brasseur P., Fennel K., Djavidnia S., Aaboe S., Fanjul E.A., E. Peneva, Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report, Journal of Operational Oceanography , vol:11, issue:Issue supl, 2018, pages:1-142, ISSN (online):1755876X, doi:10.1080/1755876X.2018.1489208, Ref, Web of Science, IF (4 - 2019), Web of Science Quartile: Q1 (2018), SCOPUS, SJR (1 - 2019), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (2018), International 2018
19 G. Georgieva, E. Peneva, Seasonal variations of the mesoscale circulation in the Eastern basin of the Black Sea, Annual of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Physics, том:111, 2018, ISSN (print):0584-0279, PhD 2018
20 E. Peneva, E. Stanev, A. Palazov, The new Copernicus Black Sea monitoring and forecasting center: towards Black Sea operational oceanography, Annual of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Physics, том:110, 2017, ISSN (print):0584-0279, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2017
21 M. Milanova, E. Peneva, Deep Black Sea Circulation Described by ARGO Profiling Floats, Годишник на Физически факултет Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски", 2016, PhD 2016
22 Попов Хр., Е. Пенева, Режим на температурите и валежите по долините на реките Струма, Места и Вардар за периода 1951-1990 г., Годишник на СУ “Св. Климент Охридски“, ГГФ, книга 2 География, том:107, 2016, стр.:39-54 2016
23 E. Peneva, S. Ivanova, R. Penchev, Breeze circulation in Varna in the period 1990-2010, Годишник на Физически факултет Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски", том:108, 2015, PhD, MSc 2015
24 M. Tsekov, E. Peneva, Detrended Fluctuation Analysis of Bulgarian Surface Temperature Records: Comparison of Coastal and Inland Stations, Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia “St Kliment Ohridski”, Faculte de Physique, том:108, 2015, Ref 2015
25 M. Milanova, E. Peneva, EOF analysis of Black Sea surface height anomaly using altimeter data, Годишник на Физически факултет Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски", том:108, 2015, PhD 2015
26 R. Penchev, E. Peneva, Use of the numerical simulations with weather forecast model WRF as a proxy to atmospheric soundings, Bulg. Chem. Comm., 2015, Ref, PhD 2015
27 R. Valcheva, E. Peneva, Sensitivity to the parameterization of cumulus convection in the RegCM4.3 simulations focused on Balkan Peninsula and Bulgaria, Годишник на Физически факултет на Софийски Университет "Св. Климент Охридски", том:107, 2014, стр.:113-131, Ref, MSc 2014
28 S. Petrova, R. Mitzeva, V. Kotroni, J. Latham, E. L. Peneva, Analyses of summer lightning activity and precipitation in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean, Atmospheric Research, vol:91, issue:2-4, 2009, pages:453-458, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2008.06.013, Ref, Web of Science, IF (1.786 - 2009), SCOPUS, SJR (1.013 - 2009), SCOPUS Quartile: Q2 (2009), International 2009
29 F. Murgia, R. Biddau, A. Concas, R. Demontis, L. Fanfani, B. Z. Heilmann, C. Lai, G. Lecca, E. Lorrai, E. L. Peneva, GRIDA3 - A Shared Resources Manager for Environmental Data Analysis and Applications, Earth Science Informatics, 2009, doi:10.1007/s12145-009-0020-0 , Ref, Web of Science, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2009
30 E. L. Peneva, N. V. Rachev, Decadal-scale changes of the temperature and precipitation in Bulgaria for the period 1961-1990 , Годишник на Физически факултет Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски" , том:101, 2008 2008
31 М. Божкова, Е. Пенева, Замръзвания по българския бряг на Черно море през 20-ти век, Природа, том:6, 2008, стр.:54-56, MSc 2008
32 E. V. Stanev, E. L. Peneva, F. Mercier, Temporal and spatial patterns of sea level in inland basins: Recent events in the Aral Sea, Geophys. Res. Let., том:31, 2004, стр.:15505-0, doi:10.1029/2004GL020478, Ref, Web of Science, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2004
33 E. L. Peneva, E. V. Stanev, S. V. Stanichny, Salokhiddinov A., G. Stulina, The recent evolution of the Aral Sea level and water properties: analysis of satellite, gauge and hydrometeorological data, J. Mar. Sys., том:47, 2004, стр.:11-24, Ref, Web of Science, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2004
34 E. V. Stanev, M. J. Bowman, E. L. Peneva, J. V. Staneva, Control of Black Sea intermediate water mass formation by dynamics and topography: comparisons of numerical simulations, survey and satellite data, Journal of Marine Research, том:61, брой:1, 2003, стр.:59-99, Ref, Web of Science, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2003
35 E. V. Stanev, J. M. Beckers, Ch. Lancelot, P. Y. Le Traon, E. L. Peneva, M. Gregoire, Coastal-open ocean exchange in the Black Sea: Observations and modeling, Estua. Coast and Shelf Sci., брой:54, 2002, стр.:601-620, Ref, Web of Science, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2002
36 Stanev, EV, Beckers, JM, Lancelot, C, Staneva, JV, Le Traon, PY, Peneva, EL, E. L. Peneva, Coastal-open ocean exchange in the Black Sea: Observations and modelling, ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE, vol:54, issue:3, 2002, pages:601-620, ISSN (print):0272-7714, ISSN (online):1096-0015, doi:10.1006/ecss.2000.0668 2002
37 E. V. Stanev, E. L. Peneva, Regional sea level response to global forcing. Black Sea examples, J. Global and Planet. Change, том:32, 2002, стр.:33-47, Ref, Web of Science 2002
38 E. V. Stanev, J. A. Simeonov, E. L. Peneva, Ventilation of the pycnocline in the Black Sea by the Mediterranean Plume, J. Mar. Sys., том:31, брой:1-3, 2001, стр.:77-97, Ref, Web of Science 2001
39 Peneva, E, Stanev, E, Belokopytov, V, E. L. Peneva, Water transport in the Bosphorus Straits estimated from hydro-meteorological and altimeter data: seasonal to decadal variability, JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS, vol:31, issue:1-3, 2001, pages:21-33, ISSN (print):0924-7963, ISSN (online):1879-1573 2001
40 E. L. Peneva, E. V. Stanev, V. Belokopytov, P.-Y. Le Traon, Water transport in the Bosporus Straits estimated from hydro- meteorologycal and altimeter data: Seasonal to decadal variability, J. Mar. Sys., том:31, брой:1-3, 2001, стр.:21-35, Ref, Web of Science, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2001
41 Stanev, EV, Le Traon, PY, E. L. Peneva, Sea level variations and their dependency on meteorological and hydrological forcing: Analysis of altimeter and surface data for the Black Sea, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, vol:105, issue:C7, 2000, pages:17203-17216, ISSN (print):2169-9275, ISSN (online):2169-9291 2000
42 E. V. Stanev, P.-Y. Le Traon, E. L. Peneva, Seasonal and interannual variations of sea level and their dependency on meteorological and hydrological forcing. Analysis of altimeter and surface data for the Black Sea, J. Geoph. Res., том:105, 2000, стр.:17203-17216, Ref, Web of Science, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2000
43 E. Koleva, L. Krastev, E. L. Peneva, E. V. Stanev, Verification of high resolution climatic simulations for the area of Bulgaria. Part I: The state of the climate for the period 1960-1990., Bulg. J. Meteorol. and Hydrol., том:7, брой:3-4, 1996, стр.:73-83 1996
44 E. L. Peneva, E. V. Stanev, E. K. Koleva, L. Krastev, J. V. Staneva, Verification of high resolution climatic simulations for the area of Bulgaria. Part II: Intercomparison between UKMO, HIRHAM and ARPEGE simulations and climatic data for the period 1961-1990. , Bulg. J. Meteorol. and Hydrol., том:7, брой:3-4, 1996, стр.:84-102 1996
Статия в поредица
1 E. L. Peneva, A. K. Stips, Numerical simulations of Black Sea and adjoined Azov Sea, forced with climatological and meteorological reanalysis data, Technical report, том:EUR21504EN, издателство:European Commission, 2005, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2005
2 S. Djavidnia, J.-N. Druon, W. Schrimpf, A. K. Stips, E. L. Peneva, S. Dobricic, P. Vogt, Oxygen depletion risk indices – OXYRISK & PSA V2.0; New developments, structure and software content, Technical report, том:EUR21509EN, издателство:European Commission, 2005, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2005
3 A. K. Stips, K. Bolding, H. Bourchard, S. Djavidnia, E. L. Peneva, Realistic multiannual simulations of the coupled North Sea and Baltic Sea system using the GETM model. , Technical report, том:EUR21503EN, издателство:European Commission, 2005, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2005
Статия в сборник (на конференция и др.)
1 I. Gancheva, E. Peneva, Methodology based on the Hu moment invariants for object comparison on radar satellite imagery, Third National Forum on Space Research (NaFSKI 2022), editor/s:E. .Peneva, Publisher: IOP Publishing Ltd, 2024, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2668/1/012012, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.18 - 2023), SCOPUS Quartile: Q4 (2024), PhD 2024
2 M. Matov, E. Peneva, G. Georgieva, Black sea freezing and winter severity: Relation to the temperature, Proceeding of 1st International Conference on Environmental Protection and Disaster RISKs , editor/s:Georgi Gadjev, Nina Dobrinkova, 2020, PhD 2020
3 I. Gancheva, E. Peneva, Verification of the SNAP Ocean-Tool for Oil Spill Detection for the Bulgarian Black Sea Region, 10TH JUBILEE CONFERENCE OF THE BALKAN PHYSICAL UNION, editor/s:Mishonov, TM; Varonov, AM, 2019, doi: 10.1063/1.5091267, Ref, SCOPUS, SJR (0.19 - 2019), PhD 2019
4 M. Tsekov, E. Peneva, Detrended Fluctuation Analysis of Climate and Seismic Data: Examples from Bulgarian Data, In: Proceedings of the 3rd Bulgarian National Congress on Physical Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, Sep. 29 - Oct. 02, 2016, S06.19-1-9 [DVD: ISBN 978-954-580-364-2] Heron Press: Sofia;, 2016 2016
5 S. A. Ciliberti, E. Peneva, A. Storto, R. Kandilarov, R. Lecci, C. Yang, G. Coppini, S. Masina, N. Pinardi, Implementation of Black Sea numerical model based on NEMO and 3DVAR data assimilation scheme for operational forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2016 abstracts, EGU2016-16222, 2016, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2016
6 A. Palazov, V. Slabakova, E. Peneva, E. Stanev, Black Sea Argo: history, present status and prospect, Proceedings of the 7th EuroGOOS conference, 2014 2014
7 Р. Пенчев, Е. Пенева, Числени симулации на екстремни конвективни явления през 2012 г. за територията на България с модела за прогноза на времето WRF., Сборник доклади от 2-рия национален конгрес по физически науки, 2014, PhD 2014
8 M. Milanova, E. Peneva, E. Stanev, V. Slabakova, Data Quality control of the recent Argo floats in the Black Sea, International Conference MARES2020 abstracts, 2013, PhD 2013
9 E. Peneva, V. Slabakova, Identification of similarities in the Black Sea using EOF analysis of remote sensing data and relevance to MSFD implementation., International Conference MARES2020 abstracts, 2013 2013
10 E. Peneva, E.. Stanev, M. Milanova, Mesoscale variability of the Black Sea circulation seen from SSALTO/DUAC attimeter data, International Conference MARES2020 abstracts, 2013, PhD 2013
11 T. Dimitrova, R. Mitzeva, Y. Pisarova, H. D. Betz, E. Peneva, Relationship between lightning characteristics and radar estimated parameters during pre-severe and severe stages of hail producing thunderstorms, Proceedings of 7 th European Conference on Severe Storms (ECSS2013) , 3 - 7 June 2013, Helsinki, Finland, 2013, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2013
12 A. Palazov, V. Slabakova, E. Peneva, V. Marinova, A. Stefanov, M. Milanova, G. Kortchev, BulArgo activities in the Black Sea, Proceedings of Third International Scientific Congress of TU-Varna, 2012, MSc 2012
13 S. Manca, P. Cau, C. Soru, A. Vargiu, D. Muroni, E. Peneva, A Web Based Framework to Face Issues of Marine Water Vulnerability, Publications of 3rd International Conference on Computer Research and Development, 2011, Ref, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2011
14 P. Cau, A. Vargiu, E. Peneva, S. Manca, C. Soru, D. Muroni, M. G. Mullas, M. Pintus, G. Erbi, A web tool for the marine environment: The Asinara case, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, MEDCOAST 2011, 2011, стр.:705-714, Ref, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2011
15 P. Cau, A. Vargiu, E. Peneva, S. Manca, C. Soru, D. Muroni, Development of an integrated tool for monitoring Black Sea marine environment, 3rd Bi-annual BS Scientific Conference and UP-GRADE BS-SCENE Project Joint Conference , 2011, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2011
16 A. Vargiu, E. L. Peneva, S. Manca, M. G. Mulas, F. Murgia, M. Pintus, C. Soru, R. Biella, P. Cau, A web based interface for coastal zones modelling: a test case for the Orosei Gulf in Sardinia (Italy), ), Proceedings of the 15th Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas (PECS) Conference, 2010, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2010
17 E. L. Peneva, E. V. Stanev, A. Palazov, G. Kortchev, V. Slabakova, M. Milanova, A. Gencheva, BulArgo national infrastructure: the present state and perspectives for the Argo data in the Black Sea, Proceedings of the 10th international conference on marine sciences and technologies, 2010, MSc 2010
18 M. Marrocu, G. Pusceddu, E. Peneva, Implementation of a limited area ensemble meteorological system in a GRID and HPC environment, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.11, EGU2009-7084-4, 2009, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2009
19 M. Marroccu, G. Pusceddu, E. Peneva, A. Vargiu, Implementation of two limited area ensemble meteorological systems in a grid environment, Proceedings of the FINAL WORKSHOP OF GRID PROJECTS “PON RICERCA 2000-2006, AVVISO 1575, 2009, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2009
20 E. L. Peneva, M. Marrocu, G. Pusceddu, Simulations of wind and precipitation variability in Sardinia using REGCM3, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.11, EGU2009-7112-2, 2009, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2009
21 A. Vargiu, E. Peneva, M. Marrocu, Test of a dynamical downscaling chain for assessing climate at regional scale, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.11, EGU2009-7642-2, 2009, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2009
22 M. Bozhkova, E. L. Peneva, Freezings Observed on Bulgarian Black Sea Coast in 20th Century, Proceedings of the International Conference on Global Change and Problems, 2007, MSc 2007
23 E. L. Peneva, N. V. Rachev, Interannual and interdecadal variations of temperature and precipitation in Bulgaria estimated from high-resolution climate data sets, IUGG2007 abstracts, 2007 2007
24 E. L. Peneva, Model simulations of summer and winter precipitation over Bulgaria using REGCM3, IUGG2007 abstracts, 2007 2007
25 E. L. Peneva, E. V. Stanev, Analysis of regional climate model performance for the Aral Sea area. Comparison with observations., IUGG2003 abstracts, 2003 2003
26 E. Peneva, E. Stanev, Aral Sea regional climate changes: Analysis of model and observational data for the period 1961-1990, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 2003, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, ISSN 1029-7006, 2003 2003
27 E. Peneva, A. K. Stips, K. Bolding, E. Stanev, Black Sea – Azov Sea numerical model: Analysis of climatic and mesoscale circulation based on GETM, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 2003, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, ISSN 1029-7006, 2003, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2003
28 E. L. Peneva, A. K. Stips, K. Bolding, E. V. Stanev, Modelling the Physical Properties of the Black Sea-Azov Sea interconnected basins, Scientific and policy challenges towards an effective management of the marine environment, 2003, стр.:296-0, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2003
29 E. Peneva, E. Stanev, The evolution of the Aral Sea level estimated from altimeter, gauge and hydro-meteorological data, IUGG2003 abstracts, 2003 2003
30 E. V. Stanev, M. J. Bowman, E. L. Peneva, J. V. Staneva, Topographically controlled ventilation of the Black Sea cold intermediate layer, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 2003, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, ISSN 1029-7006, 2003, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2003
31 E. L. Peneva, A. K. Stips, K. Bolding, E. V. Stanev, Towards modelling of the Black Sea - Azov Sea coupled system, IUGG2003 abstracts, 2003, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2003
32 Stanev, EV, E. L. Peneva, Regional sea level response to global climatic change: Black Sea examples, GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE, vol:32, issue:1, 2001, pages:33-47, ISSN (print):0921-8181 2001
33 E. V. Stanev, E. L. Peneva, Sokolova E. S., Sea level variations in semi-enclosed seas: Analysis of altimeter, tide gauge, hydro-meteorological and hydrographic survey data for the Black Sea, ,Joint Assemblies of IAPSO-IABO, 2001 2001
34 E. Peneva, E. V. Stanev, Gravity Currents over Rough and Smooth Topography. Modeling Study of Mediterranean Outflow in the Black Sea, IOC Workshop Reports No 159, Oceanic Fronts and related Phenomena, Proceedings of Konstantin Fedorov International Memorial Symposium, 1999, стр.:410-415 1999
35 E. L. Peneva, E. V. Stanev, Use of altimeter and surface data to study the Black Sea level variability, Proceedings of the meeting of young researchers in physics, 1999, стр.:37-39 1999
36 E. L. Peneva, Numerical modeling of the spreading of Mediterranean waters in the Black Sea, Marine Scientific Forum, Sciences about the sea and marine technologies, 1998, стр.:223-231 1998
Студия в научно списание
1 Stanev, EV, Bowman, MJ, Peneva, EL, E. L. Peneva, Control of Black Sea intermediate water mass formation by dynamics and topography: Comparison of numerical simulations, surveys and satellite data, JOURNAL OF MARINE RESEARCH, vol:61, issue:1, 2003, pages:59-99, ISSN (print):0022-2402 2003
2 Stanev, EV, Simeonov, JA, E. L. Peneva, Ventilation of Black Sea pycnocline by the Mediterranean plume, JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS, vol:31, issue:1-3, 2001, pages:77-97, ISSN (print):0924-7963 2001
Участие в конференция
1 Секционен доклад, Ciliberti S.A., E. Peneva, A. Storto, R. Kandilarov, R. Lecci, C. Yang, G. Coppini, S. Masina and N. Pinardi, Implementation of Black Sea numerical model based on NEMO and 3DVAR data assimilation scheme for operational forecasting 2016
2 Секционен доклад, Atanas Palazov, Violeta Slabakova, Elisaveta Peneva and Emil Stanev, Black Sea Argo: history, present status and prospect 2014
3 Секционен доклад, Vasko Galabov, Ani Kortcheva, Elisaveta Peneva, Georgi Kortchev, Marieta Dimitrova and Jordan Marinski, Application of hydrodynamic, pollution drift and wave models as tools for better environmental management of ports 2014
4 Секционен доклад, Milanova M, E. Peneva, E. Stanev, V. Slabakova, Data Quality control of the recent Argo floats in the Black Sea 2013
5 Секционен доклад, Peneva E., E.. Stanev, M. Milanova, Mesoscale variability of the Black Sea circulation seen from SSALTO/DUAC attimeter data 2013
6 Секционен доклад, Dimitrova T., R. Mitzeva, Y. Pisarova, H. D. Betz, E. Peneva, , Relationship between lightning characteristics and radar estimated parameters during pre-severe and severe stages of hail producing thunderstorms 2013
7 Секционен доклад, Пенчев Р. и Е. Пенева, Числени симулации на екстремни конвективни явления през 2012 г. на територията на България с числения модел за прогноза на времето WRF 2013
8 Секционен доклад, Peneva E. and V. Slabakova, , Identification of similarities in the Black Sea using EOF analysis of remote sensing data and relevance to MSFD implementation 2013
9 Секционен доклад, Palazov, A., V. Slabakova, E. Peneva, V. Marinova, A. Stefanov, M. Milanova, G. Korchev, BulArgo activities in the Black Sea, Proceedings of Third International Scientific Congress of TU-Varna 2012
10 Секционен доклад, Cau, P, Vargiu, A., Peneva, E, Manca, S., Soru, C., Muroni, D., Mulas, M.G, Pintus, M, Erbi, G, A web tool for the marine environment: The Asinara case 2011
11 Секционен доклад, Peneva E. , Argo, Euro-Argo adn BulArgo 2011
12 Секционен доклад, Manca S., P. Cau, C. Soru, A. Vargiu, D. Muroni and E. Peneva, A Web Based Framework to Face Issues of Marine Water Vulnerability 2011
13 Секционен доклад, Cau P., A. Vargiu, E. Peneva, S. Manca, C. Soru, D. Muroni, Development of an integrated tool for monitoring Black Sea marine environment 2011
14 Секционен доклад, Peneva E., E. Stanev, A. Palazov, G. Kortchev, V. Slabakova, M. Milanova, A. Gencheva, BulArgo national infrastructure: the present state and perspectives for the Argo data in the Black Sea 2010
15 Секционен доклад, Vargiu, E. Peneva, S. Manca, M. G. Mulas, F. Murgia, M. Pintus, C. Soru, R. Biella, and P. Cau, A web based interface for coastal zones modelling: a test case for the Orosei Gulf in Sardinia (Italy) 2010
16 Секционен доклад, Peneva E., M. Marrocu, and G. Pusceddu, Simulations of wind and precipitation variability in Sardinia using REGCM3 2009
17 Секционен доклад, Vargiu A., E. Peneva, and M. Marrocu, Test of a dynamical downscaling chain for assessing climate at regional scale 2009
18 Секционен доклад, Marrocu M., G. Pusceddu, and E. Peneva, Implementation of a limited area ensemble meteorological system in a GRID and HPC environment 2009
19 Секционен доклад, Peneva E. and N. Rachev, Interannual and interdecadal variations of temperature and precipitation in Bulgaria estimated from high-resolution climate data sets 2007
20 Секционен доклад, Bozhkova M. and E. Peneva, Freezings Observed on Bulgarian Black Sea Coast in 20th Century 2007
21 Секционен доклад, Peneva, E., Model simulations of summer and winter precipitation over Bulgaria using REGCM3 2007
22 Секционен доклад, Peneva, E., Stanev, E.V, Aral Sea regional climate changes: Analysis of model and observational data for the period 1961-1990 2003
23 Секционен доклад, Peneva, E.L., Stanev, E.V., Analysis of regional climate model performance for the Aral Sea area. Comparison with observations 2003
24 Секционен доклад, Stanev, E.V., Bowman, M.J., Peneva E.L., Staneva, J.V, Topographically controlled ventilation of the Black Sea cold intermediate layer 2003
25 Секционен доклад, Peneva, E.L., Stips, A.K., Bolding, K., Stanev, E.V., Modelling the Physical Properties of the Black Sea-Azov Sea interconnected basins 2003
26 Секционен доклад, Peneva, E.L., Stanev, E.V., The evolution of the Aral Sea level estimated from altimeter, gauge and hydro-meteorological data 2003
27 Секционен доклад, Peneva, E.L., Stips, A.K., Bolding, K., Stanev, E.V., Black Sea – Azov Sea numerical model: Analysis of climatic and mesoscale circulation based on GETM 2003
28 Секционен доклад, Peneva, E.L., Stips, A.K., Bolding, K., Stanev, E.V., Towards modelling of the Black Sea - Azov Sea coupled system 2003
29 Секционен доклад, Stanev, E.V., Peneva, E.L., Sokolova, E. S, Sea level variations in semi-enclosed seas: Analysis of altimeter, tide gauge, hydro-meteorological and hydrographic survey data for the Black Sea 2001