Статия в научно списание |
Stoyanova V., Tsanova A., Jordanova A., Jekova N., Stoichkova D., Ivanova K., Hristova E., Detection of specific surfactant proteins in gastric aspirates from prematurely born children after corticosteroid therapy, Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding, vol:26, issue:4, 2020, pages:3458-3462, ISSN (online):1312-773X, doi:10.5272/jimab.2020264.3458, Ref, IR , Web of Science Quartile: Q4 (2020), SCOPUS, SJR (108 - 2019), SCOPUS Quartile: Q4 (SCOPUS)
Miladinova-Georgieva K., Ivanova K., Georgieva T., Geneva M., Petrov P., Stancheva I., Markovska Y., EDTA and citrate impact on heavy metals phytoremediation using Paulownia hybrids, Int. J. Environ. Pollut., том:63, брой:1/2, 2018, стр.:31-46, Ref, IF, IF (0.48 - 2017), PhD
Ivanova K., Geneva M., Anev S., Georgieva T., Tsvetkova N., Stancheva I., Markovska Y., Effect of soil salinity on morphology and gas exchange of two Paulownia hybrids , Agroforestry Systems, том:92, брой:1, 2018, doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10457-018-0186-x, Ref, IF, IF (1.17 - 2018), PhD
Bangyozova M., Jordanova A., Tsanova A., Stoyanova V., Tasheva E., Ivanova K., Todorov R., Hristova E., Lalchev Z., Application of axisymmetric drop shape analysis and brewster angle microscopy for assessment of clinical samples from prematurely born infants with NRDS., Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, vol:519, 2017, pages:187-191, ISSN (print):0927-7757 , ISSN (online):1873-4359 , doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2016.05.062, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.753 - 2017), SCOPUS Quartile: Q2 (JCR)
Miladinova-Georgieva K., Ivanova K., Markovska Y., Effect of chelating agents on antioxidant defense in two Paulownia hybrids grown on heavy metal contaminated soil , J. Balkan Ecology, том:20, брой:1, 2017, стр.:58-69, Ref, PhD
Kolaksazov M., Ivanova K., Markovska Y., Ananiev E.D., Effect of low temperatures on antioxidant defense in tolerant and non tolerant to freezing stress populations of Arabis alpina, Genetics and Plant Physiol., том:7, брой:3-4, 2017, стр.:184-194, Ref, PhD
Dimitrova V., Ivanova K., Petrov P., Anev S., Tsvetkova N., Georgieva T., Markovska Y., Influence of salt stress on leaf morphology and photosynthetic gas exchange in two Lyciym species, Compt. Rend Acad. Bulg. Sci., том:70, брой:3, 2017, стр.:367-374, Ref, IF, IF (0.233 - 2016), PhD
Stefanov M., Yotsova E., Ivanova K., Markovska Y., Apostolova E., Assessment of the impact of salinity on photosynthetic apparatus of Paulownia x kawakamii, Comp. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., том:69, брой:10, 2016, стр.:1325-1332, Ref, Web of Science, PhD
Ivanova K., Petrov P., Markovska Y., Effect of soil salinity on leaf anatomy, antioxidant defense and some photosynthetic enzymes in two Paulownia hybrids, J. Balkan Ecology, том:19, брой:4, 2016, стр.:349-360, Ref, PhD
Stefanov M., Yotsova E., Rashkov G., Ivanova K., Markovska Y., Apostolova E., Effects of salinity on the photosynthetic apparatus of two Paulownia lines, Plant Physiol. Biochem., том:101, 2016, стр.:54-59, Ref, Web of Science, PhD
Markovska Y., Ivanova K., Miladinova - Georgieva K., Phytoremediation as tool of decreasing content of heavy metals in contaminated soils, J Balkan Ecology, том:19, брой:1, 2016, стр.:81-90, Ref, PhD
Ivanova K., Dimitrova V., Georgieva T., Markovska Y., Effect of soil salinity on growth, gas exchange and antioxidant defense of two Paulownia lines, Genetics and Plant Physiol., том:4, брой:3-4, 2015, стр.:163-173, Ref, PhD, MSc
Ivanova K., Anev S., Tzvetkova N., Georgieva T., Markovska Y., Influence of salt stress on stomatal, biochemical and morphological factors limiting photosynthetic gas exchange in Paulownia elongata x fortunei, Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., том:68, брой:2, 2015, стр.:217-224, Web of Science, PhD
Tzvetkova N., Miladinova K., Ivanova K., Georgieva T., Geneva M., Markovska Y., Possibility for using of two Paulownia lines as a tool for remediation of heavy metal contaminated soil, J. Environ. Biology, брой:36 (Special issue), 2015, стр.:145-151, Web of Science, PhD
Ivanova K., Miladinova K., Georgieva T., Markovska Y., A possible role of some antioxidative enzymes in tolerance of Paulownia to NaCl, Bulg. J. Agr. Sci., брой:20 (Suppl. 1), 2014, стр.:37-40, Ref, Web of Science, PhD
Ivanova K., Tzvetkova N., Georgieva T., Markovska Y., Photosynthesis and growth responses of five Paulownia lines to salt stress, Compt. rend Acad. Bulg. Sci., том:67, брой:8, 2014, стр.:1101-11106, Ref, Web of Science, PhD
Miladinova K., Ivanova K., Georgieva T., Geneva M., Markovska Y., The salinity effect on morphology and pigment content in three Paulownia clones grown ex vitro, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, том:19, брой:2, 2013, стр.:52-56, Web of Science, PhD
Markovska Y., Gorinova N., Nedkovska M., Miteva K., Cadmium-induced oxidative damage and antioxidant responses in Brassica juncea plants, Biologia Plantarum, том:53, брой:1, 2009, стр.:151-154, Ref, Web of Science, MSc
Статия в сборник (на конференция и др.) |
Dimitrova V., Georgieva T., Ivanova K., Markovska Y., Effect of salt stress on the growth and antioxidant defense of two Lycium species, Seminar of Ecology-2016 with International Participation, редактор/и:Chankova S., Parvanova P., Danova K., издателство:Farago, 2017, стр.:93-100, doi:979-853-476-132-4, PhD
Ivanova K., Georgieva T., Markovska Y., A possible role of C4 photosynthetic enzymesin tolerance of two Paulownia hybrid lines to salinity, Ann. de l` Univ. de Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski", Fac. de Biologie, издателство:Univ. de Sofia, 2016, стр.:132-140, PhD
Tzvetkova N., Miladinova K., Ivanova K., Georgieva T., Geneva M., Markovska Y., EDTA mediated phytoextraction of Fe, Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd by two Paulownia hybrid plants, Proceedings&Abstracts of the 2nd International Symposium on Karda glari and Endremit "Human-Environment Interactions and Ecology of Mountain Ecosystems, редактор/и:Ëfe R., Atalay I, Ozturk M., издателство:Meta Basim, Izmir, 2013, стр.:100-110, Ref, PhD
Ivanova K., Miladinova K., Georgieva T., Markovska Y., Influence of salt stress on some physiological parameters of two Paulownia lines, Seminar of Ecology - 2013, редактор/и:Chankova S., Gateva S., Jovtchev G., издателство:Фараго, 2013, стр.:55-61, Ref, PhD
Miladinova K., Georgieva T., Ivanova K., Geneva M., Danova K., Markovska Y., Cadmium and lead effects on ex vitro growth and antioxidative response of two Paulownia clones , Proceedings of the International Conference Ëcology-Ïnterdisciplinary Science and Practice"Sofia, издателство:PublishScieSet-Eco Publisher, 2012, стр.:520-525, Ref, PhD
Miladinova K., Georgieva T., Ivanova K., Geneva M., Danova K., Markovska Y., Ex vitro growth and antioxidative responses of two Paulownia clones to Zn excess, Proceedings of the International Conference Ëcology-Ïnterdisciplinary Science and Practice"Sofia, издателство:PublishScieSet-Eco Publisher, 2012, стр.:526-530, Ref, PhD
Ivanova K., Stanchev, P., Velikova, E., Vanhoof, K., Depaire, B., Kannan, R., Mitov, I., Markov, K., Features for art painting classification based on vector quantization of MPEG-7 descriptors, Second International Conference on Data Engineering and Management ICDEM, India, 29-30.07.2010, Publisher:LNCS 6411, 2012, pages:146-153, ISSN (print):03029743, ISBN:978-364227871-6, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-27872-3_22, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.346 - 2012), International
Miladinova K., Ivanova K., Georgieva T., Geneva M., Markovska Y., Influence of salt stress on ex vitro growth and antioxidative response of two Paulownia clones, Proceedings of the 4th Balkan Conference"" Science-Education-Art", Blagoevgradn, издателство:Съюз на учените - Благоевград, 2012, стр.:356-364, PhD