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Научни приноси на проф. д-р Албена Вуцова

Author ID (SCOPUS):22986867700
Глава от книга
1 Vutsova А., Baltova, S, “Setting the Stage of the Sharing Economy: The Case of Bulgaria.” In The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives, edited by Andrzej Klimczuk, Vida Česnuitytė, and Gabriela Avram, 75–89, ISBN:9781911620303, Limerick, Ireland: University of Limerick. 2021
2 Vutsova А., Öztürk P., Yordanova G., Hengirmen Ş., Colic M., Dimov R., Petrovic A., Zlatkov M., SKILL GAP ANALYSIS ON CAPACITY OF YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS AND IDENTIFYING KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED FOR YOUTH PROFESSIONAL REALIZATION, ISBN:978-619-91726-0-5, София, International 2020
1 Vutsova А., Impact of European instruments on institutional development of higher education and science, ISBN:978-954-8697-76-7 2018
2 Vutsova А., Impact of European instruments on institutional development of higher education and science 2018
3 Vutsova А., Impact of European instruments on institutional development of higher education and science 2018
4 Vutsova А., Impact of European instruments on institutional development of higher education and science 2015, ISBN:978-954-8697-76-7 2018
5 Vutsova А., Impact of European instruments on institutional development of higher education and science 2015, ISBN:978-954-8697-76-7 2018
6 Vutsova А., Impact of European instruments on institutional development of higher education and science 2015, ISBN:978-954-8697-76-7 2018
7 Vutsova А., Impact of European instruments on institutional development of higher education and science 2015, ISBN:978-954-8697-76-7 2018
8 Vutsova А., Impact of European instruments on institutional development of higher education and science 2015, ISBN:978-954-8697-76-7 2018
9 Vutsova А., Impact of European instruments on institutional development of higher education and science 2015, ISBN:978-954-8697-76-7 2018
10 Vutsova А., Impact of European instruments on institutional development of higher education and science 2015, ISBN:978-954-8697-76-7 2018
11 Vutsova А., Impact of European instruments on institutional development of higher education and science 2015, ISBN:978-954-8697-76-7 2018
12 Вуцова А., "Влияние на европейските инструменти върху институционалното развитие на системата на висшето образование и науката", "Звезди" 2014
13 Vutsova А., Impact of the 7-th framework programme on the sustainable development of Bulgaria and the region 2007-2013 2014
14 Вуцова А., колектив, Иновации БГ 2014, ARC FUND, Рецензирано 2014
15 Vutsova А., A vision for strengthening world class research infrastructures in the ERA, ISBN:978-92-79-142-14-7 2011
16 Vutsova А., A vision for strengthening world class research infrastructures in the ERA, ISBN: 978-92-79-142-14-7 2011
17 Vutsova А., A vision for strengthening world class research infrastructures in the ERA, ISBN:978-92-79-142-14-7 2011
18 Vutsova А., A vision for strengthening world class research infrastructures in the ERA, ISBN: 978-92-79-142-14-7 2011
19 Vutsova А., Koski P., Leon K., Lothe K., Vassilakkos C., "A vision for strengthening world-class research infrastructure in the ERA", ЕС, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2010
20 Vutsova А., Scientific policy in the context of European integration, ISBN:978-954-438-789-1, TU - Sofia 2009
1 Vutsova А., Yalamov T., Arabadzhieva M., In Search of Excellent Research Assessment, ISBN:978-3-8487-7587-3, Ref 2023
2 Vutsova А., Impact of European instruments on institutional development of higher education and science , ISBN:978-954-8697-76-7 2018
3 Vutsova А., Topleva S., "Global challenges and entrepreneurial spirit development through public-private partnership"(part of monograph) 2016
Научен проект
1 Албена Вуцова, Международна научна мрежа за споделяне на опит Трансформации, Ръководител, 2023
2 Албена Вуцова, Насилието над жени: типологизации, социални и икономически последствия, Ръководител, 2023
3 Албена Вуцова, Социалната икономика като катализатор на икономическото благосъстояние, Ръководител, 2023
4 Албена Вуцова, Туининг за научни постижения: Стимулиране на устойчивата енергийна икономика и насърчаване на научните изследвания в областта на управлението на иновациите в България - TWIN4ECO, Член, 2023
5 Албена Вуцова, CApacity building for success – foSTering youth professional realization and employability – CAST, Член, 2021
6 Албена Вуцова, LEARN.Inc – Learning Incubator for Project-based Teaching and Training through Research, Член, 2021
7 Албена Вуцова, PlatfoRm OF policy Evaluation community for improvED EU policies and Better ACKnowledgement - COST Program, CA 20 112, Член, 2021
8 Албена Вуцова, SocKETs - Societal Engagement with Key Enabling Technologies (Aнгажиране на обществото с базовите технологии), Член, 2021
9 Албена Вуцова, Организационна Социална Отговорност, Член, 2021
10 Албена Вуцова, Employing Innovative tools for raising YOUTH organizations’ CAPacity and youth carrier development, Ръководител, 2020
11 Албена Вуцова, FRESHER - Find Research Everywhere, SHare and experience, Ръководител, 2020
12 Албена Вуцова, SCHOLARNET - a twinning project aimed at building on the huge potential of the scientific networking, knowledge transfer and exchange of best practice between research institutions for achieving research excellence. (Национална Научна Програма - Европейски Научни Мрежи), Ръководител, 2020
13 Албена Вуцова, Stimulate research in universities and innovation development, focused towards the market, Член, 2020
14 Албена Вуцова, Strategy for implementation of the Program for Competitiveness and Innovation in Enterprises for the period 2021-2027 , Член, 2020
15 Албена Вуцова, UniverCity, Член, 2020
16 Албена Вуцова, “Connecting Education and Research Communities for an Innovative Resource Aware Society” (CERCIRAS) - COST Program, CA 19 135, Член, 2019
17 Албена Вуцова, “Multi-disciplinary innovation for social change" - COST Program, CA 18 236 , Член, 2019
18 Албена Вуцова, „European Forum For Advanced Practices“ - COST Program, CA 18 136 , Член, 2019
19 Албена Вуцова, Midterm evaluation of S3- Bulgaria 2014-2020, Член, 2019
20 Албена Вуцова, Strategic partnership for AGRI-entrepreneurship and Eco Innovation, Член, 2019
21 Албена Вуцова, Усъвършенстване на механизма за гражданско участие при формулирането и провеждането на политиката в областта на висшето образование в България , Ръководител, 2019
22 Албена Вуцова, 100% You! (Проектът се финансира от Националната програмата за изпълнение на младежки дейности по чл. 10А от Закона за хазарта на Министерството на младежта и спорта), Ръководител, 2018
23 Албена Вуцова, FIT4FOOD 2030 - study on healthy nourishing and food, elaboration and realizing training courses upon food system, Член, 2018
24 Албена Вуцова, REFRESH - Relate, Experience, Find Research Everywhere and SHare, Ръководител, 2018
25 Албена Вуцова, “PlantaSYST” - dissemination of research results and accreditation activities, Член, 2017
26 Албена Вуцова, „Empowering the next generation of social enterprise scholars“ - COST Program, CA 16 206 , Член, 2017
27 Албена Вуцова, Module leader of Project PHD Centre - measures supporting open Science and open access, Член, 2017
28 Албена Вуцова, “European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (ENRESSH) - COST Program, CA 15 137, Член, 2016
29 Албена Вуцова, COST 15 121, Член, 2016
30 Албена Вуцова, COST 15221 , Член, 2016
31 Албена Вуцова, COST 16121, Член, 2016
32 Албена Вуцова, COST TN 1301 , Член, 2016
33 Албена Вуцова, Succes4All , Член, 2016
34 Албена Вуцова, ФРЕШ , Ръководител, 2016
35 Албена Вуцова, “Interdisciplinarity in research programming and funding cycles (INTREPID)” - COST Program, CA 1408, Член, 2015
36 Албена Вуцова, “SPARKS”, ECSITE- demonstration of good EU and national research achievements at travelling research exhibition with 38 participation countries, Член, 2015
Статия в научно списание
1 Vutsova, A., Yalamov, T., Arabadzhieva, M., Perception of Sustainability and Strategies of Bulgarian Companies, International Journal of Professional Business Review, 2024, Ref 2024
2 Vutsova, A., Baltova, A., Quality of Education and Economic Growth – Evidence from Southeast European Countries, Economic aletrnatives, issue:1, 2024, Ref 2024
3 Vutsova А., Yalamov, T., Arabadzhieva, M., Promoting Social Economy as an Instrument for Institutional Change: The Case of Bulgaria, Studia Iuridica Lublinensia, 2023, ISBN:, Ref, Web of Science 2023
4 Vutsova, A., Yalamov, T., Arabadzhieva, M., Social responsibility at a university - students' perspectives, E-mentor, 2023, Ref 2023
5 Vutsova А., Arabadzhieva, M., Angelova, R., The Youth Entrepreneurship as Response to the Youth Unemployment - Examples of Western Balkan Region, International Journal of Professional Business Review, 2023, Ref, Web of Science 2023
6 Vutsova А., Yalamov T., Институционално академично предприемачество и академични спин-офф компании: практики и проблеми, Стратегии на образователната и научната политика, vol:31, issue:1, 2023, doi:, Ref 2023
7 Vutsova А., Arabadzhieva, M., THREE EASTERN CASES OF YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT TRENDS – BULGARIA, ROMANIA, SERBIA, Economic Studies Journal, issue:3, 2022, Ref 2022
8 Vutsova А., Varbanova T., Netov N., Дигитализация на образованието в България: състояние и общи тенденции, Strategy for Policy in Science and Education , vol:30, issue:6, 2022, pages:577-599, doi:ttps://, Ref 2022
9 Vutsova А., Yalamov T., Arabadzhieva M., Economic performance of agricultural enterprises in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 2021, ISSN (online):2534983X, Ref, SCOPUS, SJR (191 - 2019) 2021
10 Vutsova А., Nigohosyan D., Vassileva I., Effectiveness and efficiency of the EU-supported energy efficiency measures for SMEs in Bulgaria in the period 2014–2020: programme design implications, Energy Efficiency, 2021, doi:, Ref, IF (1.81 - 2019), Web of Science Quartile: Q3 (2021) 2021
11 Vutsova А., Kuschmierz P., European first-year university students accept evolution but lack substantial knowledge about it: a standardized European cross-country assessment, Evolution: Education and Outreach volume, 2021, doi:, Ref, International 2021
12 Vutsova А., Arabadzhieva, M., Hristov, T., Impact assessment of research evaluation in Bulgaria, COLLNET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management, 2021, doi:10.1080/09737766.2021.1962767 , Ref 2021
13 Vutsova А., Arabadzhieva M., Social enterprises’ ecosystem - status quo and and its auspicious development, REVESCO. REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS COOPERATIVOS, 2021, ISSN (online):18858031, doi: , Ref, SCOPUS, SJR (0.42 - 2019) 2021
14 Vutsova А., Arabadzhieva, M., Youth unemployment in Bulgaria and the path forward, Economics and management, 2021, ISSN (online):2683-1325, doi:doi: 10.37708/em.swu.v18i1.4 2021
15 Вуцова А., Балтова, А., Качество на училищното образование – измерване и значимост, Стратегии на образователната и научната политика, issue:3, 2021, Ref 2021
16 Vutsova А., Mitov E., Ivanova-Bares A., Industrial zones – evaluation of success and development factors, Икономическа мисъл, 2020, ISSN (print):0013-2993, Ref, др.(EconLit) 2020
17 Vutsova А., Arabadzhieva M., Social enterprises: successful or/and disputable actor in the field of eco-innovation system, Bulgarian case, European Public & Social Innovation Review (EPSIR), 2019, pages:25-43, ISSN (online):2529-9824, doi:, Ref, др.(CrossRef; DOAJ; ERIHPlus; CIRC; CiteFactor) 2019
18 Vutsova А., Nigosyan D., "The 2014–2020 European Regional Development Fund Indicators", "Social Indicators Research” as part of the Springer Nature SharedIt initiative ( SNShared It), 2017 2017
19 Вуцова А., Нигошиян Д., "Логическите модели: силни и слаби страни в контекста на програмите, съфинансирани от Европейския съюз", Икономически алтернативи бр.2 , 2017 2017
20 Вуцова А., Арабаджиева М., "Качество на висшето образование в България в контекста на европейското пространство за висше образование – проблеми и възможни решения", "Strategies for policy in science and education; Volume 24,N 4, 2016 2016
21 Вуцова А., Нигошиян Д., "Логическите модели: силни и слаби страни в контекста на програмите, съфинансирани от Европейския съюз", "Икономически алтернативи", 2016 2016
22 Вуцова А., Митов Е., "Предприемачески умения", "Професионално образоваие“ Vol. 18, 2016 2016
23 Вуцова А., Игнатова, О., Public-private partnership smart growth – principles, challenges, and mechanisms for effective action, Journal of Business and Economics, USA, 2015, PhD 2015
24 Вуцова А., Митов Е., Анализ на абсорбционния капацитет на българските технологични фирми , Стратегии на образователната и научна политика, 2015 2015
25 Вуцова А., Иванов, П., Управление на висшите училища в България, в контекста на кохезионната политика на ЕС, Стратегии на образователната и научна политика, 2015, PhD 2015
26 Vutsova А., Pavlova L, Coference of Policy, Strategies for Policy in Science anad Education, брой:5, 2014, стр.:14-0, Ref 2014
27 Вуцова А., Митов Е., Възможни мерки за подобряване финансирането на науката, Икономически и социални алтернативи, том:3, 2014, Ref 2014
28 Вуцова А., Минова Й, Финансиране на средното образование в Холандия и България, Педагика, брой:86 (1), 2014, стр.:10-0, PhD 2014
29 Вуцова А., "Проблеми при закрилата на интелектуални продукти в европейски програми", Интелектуалната собственост в университетите, 2013, стр.:92-98 2013
30 A.Vutsova, L.Pavlova, Coherence of policies, Икономически алтернативи, том:2, 2012, стр.:77-88, Ref 2012
31 Вуцова А., Оценка на проектното финансиране на научната дейност, Наука, брой:1, 2011, стр.:47-0, Ref 2011
Статия в сборник (на конференция и др.)
1 Mitov, E., Vutsova, A., Arabadzhieva, M., Social Cooperatives – a Tool for a Prosperous National Economy, Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence, 2024, doi:, Ref 2024
2 Vutsova А., Arabadzhieva, M., Academic Spin-offs and their place in the modern world economy, IFAC PapersOnLine 54 (13), 692–697, 2021, doi: 2021
3 Vutsova А., Arabadzhieva, M., Yalamov, T, YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT IN EUROPE – BUSINESS CYCLES, CRISES, AND POLICY RESPONSES, Proceedings of CBU in Economics and Business, 2, 116-124, 2021, doi: 2021
4 Vutsova А., Ignatova O., "A model of public-private partnership in Bulgaria to achieve smart economic growth", The 13th International Conference "Challenges of Europe: Growth, Competitiveness, Innovation and Well-being, Croatia, 2019, Ref 2019
5 Vutsova А., Radev S., "Project management and the principal-agent model", International Research Conference Research and Innovation, Conference Proceedings Citation Index -Social Sciences & Humanities (CPCI-SSH), New York, USA, 2019, Ref, PhD 2019
6 Vutsova А., "Методики за обучаване на хора с увреждания" , „Иновации и предприемачество в образованието и бизнеса“ - МВБУ, 2019 2019
7 Vutsova А., Arabadzhieva M., "Higher Education and Science in Bulgaria before and during the European Policies and Instruments Action", International Conference “New Perspectives in Science Education”, Florencia, 2017 2017
8 Vutsova А., "Impact of the European Instruments on Institutional Development of Higher Education and Science Higher Education and Science in Bulgaria before and during the European Policies and Instruments", , Conference Proceedings International Conference “New perspectives in Science Education “, Edition 6, Florence, Italy, 2017 2017
9 Vutsova А., "Influence Of The EU Instruments On Higher Education And Science In Bulgaria", CBU International Conference “Innovation in Science and Education“, Prague , 2017 2017
10 Vutsova А., "Influence Of The Eu Instruments On Higher Education And Science In Bulgaria", "CBU International Conference “Innovation in Science and Education", 2017 2017
11 Vutsova А., Mitov, E., "Processes Of Transfer And Absorption Of Knowledge Within The Organization", Fifteenth International Scientific Conference “KNOWLEDGE IN PRACTICE”, Bansko, BULGARIA, 2017 2017
12 Vutsova А., Impact of the European Instruments on Institutional Development of Higher Education and Science Higher Education and Science in Bulgaria before and during the European Policies and Instruments, 1. Conference Proceedings International Conference “New perspectives in Science Education “edition 6, Florence , March 2017, 2017 2017
13 Vutsova А., Markov A., "Synergy effect due to the common milieu for FM and HR - way to the better competitiveness and effectiveness" , "Business Systems Laboratory International Symposium: “Governing Business Systems: Theories and Challenges for Systems Thinking in Practice” Vilnius (Lituania), 2016 2016
14 Вуцова А., Арабаджиева М., Методи на финансиране на висшето образование в Европа и България, Съвременни управленски практики – Международна конференция СБУ- Бургас, 2016 2016
15 Вуцова А., Арабаджиева, М., Innovative tools supporting higher education development, good practices and possible solutions, Eleventh International Conference, “Growth, competitiveness and inequity “ Split Croatia, 2015, PhD 2015
16 Вуцова А., Топлева, С., Публично-частното партньорство и ролята му за развитие на културния туризъм, Международна научна конференция "Развитие на регионите в България - Хоризонт 2020" , 2015 2015
17 Vutsova А., Ignatova O, The impact of PPP- successful frame of interaction in Economic development and enterpreneuership in the transition economy, Conference Proceedings, 2014, стр.:10-0, Ref, PhD 2014
18 Vutsova, A., Ignatova, O., "THE IMPACT OF PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP -SUCCESSFUL FRAMEWORK OF INTERACTION", Third REDETE Conference ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN TRANSITION ECONOMIES: Challenges in the Business Environment, Barriers and Challenges for Economic and Business DevelopmentAt: Banja Luka, 2014, pages:715-723, ISBN:978-99938-46-54-3 2014
19 Vutsova, A., Ignatova, O., "The role of public-private partnership for effective technology transfer", ATI - Applied Technologies & Innovations, 2014, pages:83-90, ISSN (online):1804-4999 , doi:10.15208/ati.2014.14, Ref 2014
20 Vutsova А., Mitov E, Entering new markets and market nishes , International conference " Challange of Europe: the quest for new competitivenes, 2014, стр.:14-0, Ref 2014
21 Вуцова А., Игнатова О., "The role of public-private partnership for effective technology transfer", Technology Transfer and Innovations, 2nd Annual Conference & Networking, 2013 2013
22 Вуцова А., Митов Е., Entering new markets and market niches, 10 th International Conference Challenges f Europe: The quest for new competitiveness, 2013 2013
23 Vutsova А., Georgieva R., Iordanov R., Galew T., Georgieva T., Milev A., Mineva D., Hockey R., Chonkova D., Yalamov T., Innovation BG 2012 , Innovation BG 2012 , 2012, стр.:18-21, Ref 2012
24 A.Vutsova, Transfer of technology as way for sustainable development and building up knowledge society, PRADEC Conference Proceedings, 2012, стр.:7-12, Ref 2012
25 Вуцова А., Проблеми при закрилата на интелектуални продукти в европейски програми, «Интелектуалната собственост в университетите» Творчество: Следващото поколение, 2012, стр.:92-98, Ref 2012
Студия в научно списание
Ignatova, O., Vutsova, A., "Exploring the Dynamics of Public-Private Partnerships: A Benchmarking of Projects and Practices in the Context of Smart Growth", Journal of Economic Boundaries and Transformation, 2023, ISSN (online):2738-7453 2023