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Научни приноси на Христо Кюркчиев
Дипломна работа
Христо Тихомиров Кюркчиев, База от данни за управление на конфигурацията, ФМИ, СУ, Ръководител:доц. д-р Калинка Калоянова 2011
Статия в поредица
Hristo Kyurkchiev, Kalinka Kaloyanova, Oracle and Vertica for Frequent Itemset Mining , Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol:Data Mining and Big Data; First International Conference, DMBD 2016, issue:9714, Publisher:Springer International Publishing, 2016, pages:77-85, ISBN:978-3-319-40972-6, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-40973-3_8 , Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.339 - 2016), SCOPUS Quartile: Q2 (2016) 2016
Статия в сборник (на конференция и др.)
1 Dimitar Tcharaktchiev, Evgeniy Krastev, Patrick Petrossians, Simeon Abanos, Hristo Kyurkchiev, Petko Kovatchev, Cross-Border Exchange of Clinical Data Using Archetype Concepts Compatible with the International Patient Summary, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, editor/s:B. Blobel, O. Bodenreider, E. Borycki, M. Braunstein, C. Bühler et. al., Publisher:IOS Press, vol. 270, 2020, pages:552-556, ISSN (print):0926-9630, ISSN (online):1879-8365, ISBN:978-I-64368-082-8, doi:doi: 10.3233/SHTI200221. PMID: 32570444, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.27 - 2019), SCOPUS Quartile: Q3 (, др.(MEDLINE/PubMed;), International, PhD, MSc 2020
2 Emanuela Mitreva, Hristo Kyurkchiev, Performance Study of SQL and Graph Solutions for Analytical Loads, ISGT, 2015, PhD 2015
3 Hristo Kyurkchiev, Emanuela Mitreva, Performance Study of SQL and NoSQL Solutions for Analytical Loads, MIE, 2014, PhD 2014
4 Hristo Kyurkchiev, Kalinka Kaloyanova, Performance Study of Analytical Queries of Oracle and Vertica, Proceedings of the 7-th International Conference "Information Systems & Grid Technologies" , Publisher:St Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2013 2013
5 Kyurkchiev H., K. Kaloyanova, Read Optimization Based on Column-Oriented DBMS, Doctoral Conference in Mathematics, Informatics and Education (MIE 2013), Publisher:St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2013, pages:58-66, ISBN:978-954-07-3596-2, PhD 2013
6 Kyurkchiev H., K. Kaloyanova, Logical Design for Configuration Management Based on ITIL, Proceedings of the 6-th International Conference "Information Systems & Grid Technologies" , Publisher:St Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2012, pages:79-89, ISSN (print):1314-4855, PhD 2012
Участие в конференция
Секционен доклад, Христо Кюркчиев, Logical Design for Configuration Management Based on ITIL 2012