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Научни приноси на доц. д-р Ренета Димитрова

Author ID (SCOPUS):6701472827

Researcher ID (Web of Science):S_1913_2016

ORCID ID:0000-0002-5931-8713
Дисертация д-р
Ренета Димитрова, Изучаване на някой локални ефекти върху атмосферния пренос на замърсители в различни мащаби, Геофизичен Институт (понастоящем Национален Институт по Геофизика, Геодезия и География) към Българска Академия на Науките, Ръководител:Чл. кор. Костадин Ганев 2002
Научен проект
1 Ренета Димитрова, Fatima: Fog and turbulence interactions in the marine atmosphere, Член, Office of Naval Research, USA, Grant N00014-21-1-2296, Номер на договора:OMB-3145-0058 2021
2 Ренета Димитрова, Изследване спецификата на замърсяване в градски уличен каньон, Ръководител, СУ ФНИ, Договор 80-10-66/22.03.2021 2021
3 Ренета Димитрова, Разработване на методология за оценка качеството на въздуха и влиянието му върху човешкото здраве в градска среда, Ръководител, МОН - ФНИ, Договор КП-06-Н54/2, Номер на договора:КП-06-Х54/2 2021
4 Ренета Димитрова, Toward Improving Coastal Fog Prediction (C-Fog), Член, Marine Meteorology and Space Program Code 322M, the Ocean, Atmosphere and Space Research Division and the Office of Naval Research, Grant N00014-18-1-2472 2018
6 Ренета Димитрова, Perdidao De-coding Complex Terrain Flows for Wind Energy Applications, Член, US National Science Foundation, European Commission’s ERANET+, Danish Energy Agency, German Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy, Portugal Foundation for Science and Technology, and US Army Research Laboratory, Award 2015-2018 2016
7 Reneta Dimitrova, Изследване влиянието на характеристиките на въздушната среда върху ка чеството на живот и човешкото здраве, Член, МОН ФНИ, Договор ДН-04/2 от 13.12.2016, Номер на договора:ДХ04/2 2016
8 Reneta Dimitrova, Изучаване структурата и динамиката на Атмосферния граничен слой над комплексна орография и градска среда, Ръководител, МОН ФНИ, Договор ДН-04/7 от 13.12.2016 , Номер на договора:ДН04/7 2016
9 Ренета Димитрова, „Изграждане и развитие на центрове за върхови постижения“ - "ИНФОРМАТИКА И ИНФОРМАЦИОННИ, И КОМУНИКАЦИОННИ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ", Член, Оперативна програма, Договор Д01-221/3.12.2018 2014
10 Reneta Dimitrova, Regional climate-air quality interactions (REQUA), Член, EU FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES, Contract №612671, Номер на договора:EU FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES Contract №612671 2014
11 Reneta Dimitrova, Mountain Terrain Atmospheric Modelling and Observations (MATERHORN) Programme”, A Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI), Член, A Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI), Award # N00014-11-1-0709 2011
12 Reneta Dimitrova, Promote air quality services integrating observations – development of basic localised information for Europe (PASODOBLE), Член, EU 7FP, Contract №241557, Номер на договора:EU 7FP Contract №241557 2010
13 Ренета Димитрова, Joint Air Toxics Assessment Project, Член, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality 2009
14 Ренета Димитрова, Compositional Convection in Subterranean Oil Storage Tanks, Член, Sandia National Laboratories, USA 2008
15 Ренета Димитрова, South Phoenix Respiratory Health and Toxic Particulates, Член, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, EPA 2008
16 Ренета Димитрова, Arizona Children's Health Challenge Grand Project, Член, US Environmental Protection Agency 2007
17 Ренета Димитрова, Study of the regional air pollution of Bulgaria and Greece taking into account the interaction between different transport scales in the atmosphere, Ръководител, Grant from Hellenic Ministry of education to conduct joint research with Aristotle Grant from Hellenic Ministry of education to conduct joint research with Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GreeceUniversity of Thessaloniki, Greece 2006
18 Ренета Димитрова, Quantifying the Climate Impact of Global and European Transport Systems – QUANTIFY, Член, EU 6FP, Contract GOCE-CT-2002-500337 2005
19 Ренета Димитрова, Atmospheric Composition Change: an European Network- ACCENT, Член, EU 6FP Contract GOCE-CT-2002-500337 2004
20 Ренета Димитрова, Advanced Tools for Rational Energy Use towards Sustainability with emphasis on microclimatic issues in urban applications- ATREUS, Член, 5FP of the European Commission Research Networks (Training and Mobility of Researchers) 2003
21 Ренета Димитрова, Development of an up-to Date Research Infrastructure for Air Pollution Studies in Bulgaria - BULAIR, Член, EU 5FP Contract EVK2-CT-2002-80024 2002
22 Ренета Димитрова, Методика за определяне разсейването на емисиите на вредни вещества от превозни средства и тяхната концентрация в приземния атмосферен слой, Член, Министерство на Околната Среда и Водите, Договор Nº2750-599У 2002
23 Ренета Димитрова, Развитие и осъвременяване на регулаторни методики и модели за оценка на замърсяването на въздуха около големи промишлени обекти, Член, МОН -ФНИ, Договор НЗ-1004/00 2000
24 Ренета Димитрова, Разработване на методика за оценка и анализ на влиянието на регионалните фактори върху замърсяването на въздуха и съответното натоварване на околната среда в Република България, Член, МОН - ФНИ, Договор Nº НЗ-1002/00 2000
25 Ренета Димитрова, Study of the Pollution Exchange Between Bulgaria and Northern Greece, Член, NATO Linkage Grant ENVIR.LG 973343 1998
26 Ренета Димитрова, Модели за изследване и прогноза на замърсяването на въздуха в локални мащаби, Член, МОН - ФНИ, Договор Nº НЗ-621/96 1996
27 Ренета Димитрова, Разработване на методика за изчисляване височината на изпускащите устройства, разсейването и очакваните концентрации на вредни вещества в приземния слой на атмосферата, Член, Министерство на Околната Среда и Водите,Финансиран от Програма „ФАР“ , Договор договор Nº 166-1618/11.07.1996 1996
28 Ренета Димитрова, Усъвършенстване и верификация на модели на локалния климат, отчитащи антропогенното въздействие върху околната среда, Член, МОН - ФНИ, Договор Nº НЗ-628/96 1996
29 Ренета Димитрова, Изследвания и дейности за повишаване сигурността на АЕЦ "Белене"" - том В - Метеорология , Член, проект на НЕК и МААЕ 1991
30 Ренета Димитрова, Изследвания и дейности за повишаване сигурността на АЕЦ "Козлодуй"" - том В - Метеорология , Член, проект на НЕК и МААЕ 1990
Научно ръководство
1 Ренета Димитрова, Сравнително изследване на някои характеристики на микроклиматa в градовете София, Пловдив и Варна, СУ "Св. Кл. Охридски" дипломна работа:Стоян Георгиев 2023
2 Ренета Димитрова, Закономерност на промените в режима на валежите и наводненията по поречието на река Струма за периода 2000 - 2020 година, ФзФ, СУ дипломна работа:Мариета Наумова 2021
3 Ренета Димитрова, Изследване на тенденциите в замърсяването на въздуха и риска за човешкото здраве в град София, ФзФ, СУ дипломна работа:Христинка Пенчева-Балинска 2021
4 Ренета Димитрова, Локално замърсяване на гр. София с фини прахови частици оценено с помощта на модела ADMS-Urban, ФзФ, СУ дипломна работа:Маргрет Велизарова 2020
5 Ренета Димитрова, Използване на спътникови данни за подобряване на прогнозите за замърсяване на въздуха, ФзФ, СУ дипломна работа:Николай Калинов Петков 2019
6 Ренета Димитрова, Влияние на аерозолното замърсяване на въздуха върху климатичните промени, ФзФ, СУ дипломна работа:Маргрет Велизарова 2018
7 Ренета Димитрова, Градски микроклимат и стратегии за устойчиво развитие в урбанизираните райони, ФзФ, СУ дипломна работа:Ралица Хаджиева 2018
8 Ренета Димитрова, Оценка на влиянието на различни емисионни сценарии върху замърсяването, климатичните промени и селскостопанските добиви в България , ФзФ, СУ дипломна работа:Светослав Георгиев Ботев 2017
9 Ренета Димитрова, Оценка на локалното замърсяване при детонация или изгаряне на взривни вещества и запалими смеси, ФзФ, СУ дипломна работа:Виктор Максимов Леви 2017
Статия в научно списание
1 Angel M. Dzhambov, Veronika Dimitrova, Nevena Germanova, Angel Burov, Danail Brezov, Ivaylo Hlebarov, Reneta Dimitrova, Joint associations and pathways from greenspace, traffic-related air pollution, and noise to poor self-rated general health: A population-based study in Sofia, Bulgaria, Environmental Research, vol:231, issue:1, 2023, doi:, Ref, Web of Science 2023
2 Dzhambov AM, Dikova K, Georgieva T, Panev TI, Mukhtarov P, Reneta Dimitrova, Short-term effects of air pollution on hospital admissions for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus in Sofia, Bulgaria (2009–2018, Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, vol:74, issue:1, 2023, pages:48-60, doi: 2023
3 Dimitrova Reneta, Margret Velizarova, Assessment of the Contribution of Different Particulate Matter Sources on Pollution in Sofia City, Atmosphere, vol:12, issue:4, 2021, doi:10.3390/atmos12040423, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.69 - 2021), SCOPUS Quartile: Q2 (2021), PhD 2021
4 Reneta Dimitrova, Sharma A., Fernando H.J.S., Gultepe I., Danchovski D., Wagh S., Bardoel S.L., Wang S., Simulations of Coastal Fog in the Canadian Atlantic with the Weather Research and Forecasting Model, Boundary-Layer Meteorol, vol:181, 2021, pages:443-472, doi:, Ref, Web of Science, IF (2.95 - 2020), Web of Science Quartile: Q2 (2021), SCOPUS, SJR (1.11 - 2020), SCOPUS Quartile: Q2 (2021), International 2021
5 H.J.S. Fernando, I. Gultepe, C. Dorman, E. Pardyjak, Q. Wang, S.W Hoch, D. Richter, E. Creegan, S. Gaberšek, Dimitrova Reneta, C-FOG: Life of Coastal Fog, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2020, doi: , Ref, Web of Science, IF (7.28 - 2019), Web of Science Quartile: Q1 (2019), SCOPUS, SJR (3.65 - 2019), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (2019), International 2020
6 Z. Silver, Reneta Dimitrova, T. Zsedrovits, P. G. Baines, H. J. S. Fernando, Simulation of stably stratified flow in complex terrain: flow structures and dividing streamline, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 2020, pages:1281-1311, ISSN (print):1567-7419, ISSN (online):1573-1510, doi:, Ref, Web of Science, IF (1.512 - 2019), Web of Science Quartile: Q2 (2019), SCOPUS, SJR (0.52 - 2019), SCOPUS Quartile: Q2 (2019), International 2020
7 Reneta Dimitrova, Ventsislav Danchovski, Evgenia Egova, Evgeni Vladimirov, Ashish Sharma, Orlin Gueorguiev, Danko Ivanov, Modeling the Impact of Urbanization on Local Meteorological Conditions in Sofia, Atmosphere, vol:10, issue:7, 2019, pages:1-24, ISSN (online):2073-4433, doi:, Ref, Web of Science, IF (2.4 - 2019), Web of Science Quartile: Q2 (Environmental Science (miscellaneous) 2019), SCOPUS, SJR (0.7 - 2019), SCOPUS Quartile: Q2 (Environmental Science (miscellaneous) 2019), International, PhD 2019
8 Fernando H.J.S., Mann J., Palma J.M.L.M., Lundquist J.K., Barthelmie R.J., BeloPereira M., Brown W.O.J., Chow F.K., Reneta Dimitrova, Hocut C.M, The Perdigão: Peering into Microscale Details of Mountain Winds, BAMS, 2019, pages:799-819, Ref, Web of Science, IF (7.1 - 2019), Web of Science Quartile: Q1 (2019), SCOPUS, SJR (3.65 - 2019), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (2019), International 2019
9 Evgeni Vladimirov, Dimitrova Reneta, Ventsislav Danchovski, Sensitivity of WRF model results to topography and land cover: study for the Sofia region, Annuaire de l’Université de Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculté de Physique, vol:111, 2018, pages:87-101, PhD 2018
10 Matthew E. Jeglum, Sebastian W. Hoch, Derek D. Jensen, Dimitrova Reneta, Zachariah Silver, Large temperature fluctuations Due to cold air pool displacement along the lee slope of a desert mountain, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, vol:56, issue:4, 2017, pages:1083-1098, Ref, Web of Science, IF (2.318 - 2017), Web of Science Quartile: Q1 (2017), SCOPUS, SJR (1.408 - 2017), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (2017), International 2017
11 Evgenia Egova, Dimitrova Reneta, Ventsislav Danchovski, Numerical study of meso-scale circulation specifics in the Sofia region under different large-scale conditions, Bulgarian Journal of Meteorology and Hydrology, vol:22, issue:3-4, 2017, pages:54-72, doi:, PhD 2017
12 Dimitrova Reneta, Silver Z., Zsedrovits T., Hocut C., Leo L. S., Di Sabatino S., Fernando H. J. S., Assessment of Planetary Boundary-Layer Schemes in the Weather Research and Forecasting Mesoscale Model Using MATERHORN Field Data, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 2016, pages:1-21, doi: , Ref, Web of Science, IF (2.657 - 2016), Web of Science Quartile: Q1 (2016), SCOPUS, SJR (1.525 - 2016), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (2016), International 2016
13 Fernando H.J.S., Pardyjak E.R., Di Sabatino S., Chow F.K., DeWekker S.F.J., Hoch S.W., Hacker J., Pace J.C., Pratt T., Dimitrova Reneta, The MATERHORN – Unraveling the Intricacies of Mountain Weather, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2015, pages:1-24, doi:, Ref, Web of Science, IF (7.3 - 2015), Web of Science Quartile: Q1 (2015), SCOPUS, SJR (7.184 - 2015), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (2015), International 2015
14 Fernando H.J.S., Mammarella M.C., Grandoni G., Fedele P., Di Marco R., Dimitrova Reneta, Hyde P., Forecasting PM10 in Metropolitan Areas: Efficacy Neural Networks, Environmental Pollution, vol:163, 2012, pages:62-67, Ref, Web of Science, IF (4.509 - 2012), Web of Science Quartile: Q1 (2012), SCOPUS, SJR (2.038 - 2012), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (2012), International 2012
15 Dimitrova Reneta, Lurponglukana N., Hyde P., Fernando H.J.S., Runger G., Hedquist B., Anderson J., Bannister W., Johnson W., Relationship between Particulate Matter and Childhood Asthma – basis of a future warning system for Central Phoenix, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol:12, 2012, pages:2479-2490, doi:, Ref, Web of Science, IF (5.74 - 2012), Web of Science Quartile: Q1 (2012), SCOPUS, SJR (3.944 - 2012), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (2012), International 2012
16 Dimitrova Reneta, Webb S., Fernando H.J.S., Pol S., Simulations of double-diffusive convection in narrow container, Engineering and Computational Mechanics, том:165, брой:2, 2012, стр.:131-145, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.297 - 2012), SCOPUS Quartile: Q3 (2012), в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2012
17 Wenbo T., Knutson B., Mahalov A., Dimitrova Reneta, The geometry of internal particle mixing in urban flows, from deterministic and random displacement models, Physics of Fluids, vol:24, issue:063302 (2012), 2012, pages:1-19, doi:doi: 10.1063/1.4729453, Ref, Web of Science, IF (2.24 - 2012), Web of Science Quartile: Q1 (2012), SCOPUS, SJR (1.202 - 2012), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (2012), International 2012
18 Sotiris Vardoulakis, Reneta Dimitrova, Kate Richards, David Hamlyn, Giorgio Camilleri, Mark Weeks, Jean-François Sini, Rex Britter, Carlos Borrego, Michael Schatzmann and Nicolas Moussiopoulos, Numerical model inter-comparison for wind flow and turbulence around single-block buildings, Environmental Modeling & Assessment, vol:16, issue:2, 2011, pages:169-181, doi:, Ref, IF (1.45 - 2011), Web of Science Quartile: Q2 (2011), SCOPUS, SJR (0.42 - 2011), SCOPUS Quartile: Q2 (2011), International 2011
19 Fernando H.J.S., Zajic D., Di Sabatino S., Dimitrova Reneta, Hedquist B., Dallman A., Flow, turbulence and pollutant dispersion in urban atmospheres, Physics of Fluids, vol:22, 2010, doi:doi:10.1063/1.3407662 , Ref, Web of Science, IF (2.044 - 2010), Web of Science Quartile: Q1 (2010), SCOPUS, SJR (1.346 - 2010), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (2010), International 2010
20 Dimitrova Reneta, Sini J.F., Richards K., Schatzmann M., Weeks M., Perez-García E., Borrego C., Influence of thermal effects on the wind field within the urban environment, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, vol:131, issue:2, 2009, pages:223-243, Ref, Web of Science, IF (2.266 - 2009), Web of Science Quartile: Q1 (2009), SCOPUS, SJR (1.953 - 2009), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (2009), International 2009
21 Baklanov A., Barmpas Ph., Bartzis J., Batchvarova E., Baumann-Stanzer K., Berkowicz R., Borrego C., Britter R., Brzozowski K. et all, Dimitrova Reneta, Background and justification document to support the model evaluation guidance and protocol, Edited by: R. Britter and M. Schatzmann, 2007, ISBN:ISBN: 3-00-018312-4 COST Office, Ref, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2007
22 Reneta Dimitrova, Sini J.-F., Richards K., Schatzmann M, CFD investigation of airflow around a simple obstacle with single heating wall, EURASAP Newsletter, том:63, 2007, стр.:1-35, Ref, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2007
23 Baklanov A., Barmpas Ph., Bartzis J., Batchvarova E., Baumann-Stanzer K., Berkowicz R., Borrego C., Britter R., Brzozowski K., Dimitrova Reneta, Model evaluation guidance and protocol document, Edited by: R. Britter and M. Schatzmann, 2007, ISBN:ISBN: 3-00-018312-4 COST Office, Ref, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2007
24 Zerefos Ch., D. Syrakov, Ganev K, Vasaras A., Kourtidis K., Tzortziou M., Prodanova M., Dimitrova Reneta, Georgieva E., Yordanov D., Miloshev N., Study of the pollution exchange between Bulgaria and Northern Greece, Bulg J of Physics, vol:27, issue:3, 2004, pages:86-89, Ref 2004
25 Zerefos Ch., Syrakov D., Ganev K., Vasaras A., Kourtidis K., Tzortziou M., Prodanova M., Dimitrova Reneta, Georgieva E., Yordanov D., Study of the pollution exchange between Bulgaria and Northern Greece, Int. J. Environment & Pollution, vol:22, issue:1/2, 2004, pages:163-185, Ref, Web of Science, IF (0.303 - 2004), Web of Science Quartile: Q4 (2004), SCOPUS, SJR (0.143 - 2004), SCOPUS Quartile: Q4 (2004), International 2004
26 Reneta Dimitrova, Оценка влиянието на комплексни обекти върху замърсяването на атмосферния въздух, Екологично инженерство и опазване на околната среда, том:3, 2004, стр.:4-15, Ref 2004
27 Ganev K., Dimitrova Reneta, Syrakov D., Zerefos Ch., Accounting for the meso-scale effects on the air pollution in some cases of large sulfur pollution in Bulgaria or Northern Greece, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, том:3, 2003, стр.:41-53, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.558 - 2003), SCOPUS Quartile: Q1 (2003), в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2003
28 Ganev K., D. Syrakov, Zerefos Ch., Prodanova M., Reneta Dimitrova, Vasaras A., On some cases of extreme sulfur pollution in Bulgaria or Northern Greece, Bulg Geoph J, том:XXVIII, брой:Nо1-4, 2002, стр.:15-22, ISSN (online):, Ref, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2002
29 Reneta Dimitrova, Air flows and pollution transport in the Sofia valley under highly stable background conditions, Bulg Geoph J, том:XXVII, брой:Nо1-4, 2001, стр.:124-136, Ref 2001
30 Reneta Dimitrova, Ganev K., Zerefos Ch., Vasaras A., Exchange of sulfur and nitrogen compounds between Bulgaria and Greece, estimated with a simple tree-layer pollution transport model, Bulg Geoph J, том:XXVI, брой:Nо1-2, 2000, стр.:114-123, Ref, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2000
31 Reneta Dimitrova, Numerical studies of the city heat island, Bulg Geoph J, том:XXVI, брой:Nо1-2, 2000, стр.:103-113, Ref 2000
32 Reneta Dimitrova, Numerical simulation of flow data over two-dimensional hills and valley and comparison with wind tunnel experiment data, Bulg Geoph J, том:XXV, брой:Nо1-4, 1999, стр.:32-43, Ref 1999
33 Reneta Dimitrova, Ganev K., Some examples of the mesoscale topography effects on large scale air pollution transport, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, том:73, 1999, стр.:267-274, Ref 1999
34 Reneta Dimitrova, Miloshev N., Ganev K, A Prediction Fog Model with a Detailed Treatment of Fog Microphysics, Bulg Geoph J, том:XXIV, брой:Nо1-2, 1998, стр.:55-67, Ref 1998
35 Громкова Н., Dimitrova Reneta, Оценка на замърсяването в района на Летище София, Bulg Geoph J, том:XXIII, брой:Nо1-2, 1997, стр.:5-17, Ref 1997
36 Reneta Dimitrova, Трислоен числен модел на мезо-мащабното замърсяване на атмосферата, Bulg Geoph J, том:XXIII, брой:Nо1-2, 1997, стр.:29-40, Ref 1997
Статия в поредица
1 Margret Velizarova, Reneta Dimitrova, Impact of regulatory measures on pollutants concentration in urban street canyon – a pilot study, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol:Environmental Protection and Disaster Risks. EnviroRISKs 2022., issue:638, 2023, pages:203-215, Ref, Web of Science, IF (0.541 - 2022), SCOPUS, SJR (0.15 - 2022), SCOPUS Quartile: Q4 (2023), PhD 2023
2 S Tsakovski, V Danchovski, Reneta Dimitrova, P Mukhtarov, Multivariate statistical modelling of urban air-quality, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol:Environmental Protection and Disaster Risks. EnviroRISKs 2022., issue:638, editor/s:Dobrinkova, N., Nikolov, O. , Publisher:Springer, 2023, pages:216-222, doi:, Ref, Web of Science, IF (0.541 - 2022), Web of Science Quartile: Q4 (2023), SCOPUS, SJR (0.15 - 2022), SCOPUS Quartile: Q4 (2023) 2023
3 AM Dzhambov, K Dikova, T Georgieva, P Mukhtarov, Reneta Dimitrova, Time Series Analysis of Asthma Hospital Admissions and Air Quality in Sofia – A Pilot Study, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol:Environmental Protection and Disaster Risks. EnviroRISKs 2022, issue:638, editor/s:Dobrinkova, N., Nikolov, O. , Publisher:Springer, 2023, pages:191-202, doi:, Ref, Web of Science, Web of Science Quartile: Q4 (2022), SCOPUS Quartile: Q4 (2022) 2023
4 Ivanov V., Reneta Dimitrova, Study of the extreme thermal conditions for the Sofia region – preliminary results, Studies in Systems, Decision and Control,, vol:Environmental Protection and Disaster Risks, issue:361, editor/s:Dobrinkova and G. Gadzhev , Publisher:Springer, 2021, pages:123-137, doi:, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.11 - 2021), SCOPUS Quartile: Q4 (2021) 2021
5 Kirova H., Batchvarova E., Dimitrova Reneta, Vladimirov E., Validation of WRF with detailed topography over urban area in complex terrain, Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXVII , editor/s:Dr. Clemens Mensink, Dr. Volker Matthias, 2021, PhD 2021
6 Evgeni Vladimirov, Reneta Dimitrova, Ventsislav Danchovski, Impact of Data Assimilation on Short-Term Precipitation Forecasts Using WRF-ARW Model, Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Large-Scale Scientific Computing, editor/s:Ivan Lirkov, Svetozar Margenov, Publisher:Springer, 2020, pages:263-271, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.249 - 2020), SCOPUS Quartile: Q3 (2020), PhD 2020
7 Ventsislav Danchovski, Reneta Dimitrova, Evgeni Vladimirov, Evgenia Egova, Danko Ivanov, Comparison of urban mixing layer height from ceilometer, radiosonde and WRF model, AIP Conference Proceedings 2075, editor/s:Todor M. Mishonov and Albert M. Varonov, Publisher:AIP Publishing, 2019, ISBN:978-0-7354-1803-5, doi:doi:, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.19 - 2019), PhD 2019
8 V. Danchovski, Reneta Dimitrova, G. Guerova, D. Ivanov, P. Savov, N. Kolev, T. Evgenieva, P. Kaleyna, Determination of mixing layer height by ceilometer and radiosonde - some results from Sofia, Bulgaria, IOP Conference series, vol:Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, Ref, Web of Science, IF (0.446 - 2018), SCOPUS, SJR (0.17 - 2018) 2018
9 Fernando H.J.S., Dimitrova Reneta, Sentic S., Climate Change Meets Urban Environment, National Security and Human Health Implications of Climate Change , vol:NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, editor/s:Fernando, H.J.S., Klaić, Z., McCulley, J.L., 2012, pages:115-133, doi:10.1007/s10666-010-9236-0, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.128 - 2012), SCOPUS Quartile: Q4 (2012), International 2012
10 Syrakov D., Ganev K., Dimitrova Reneta, Todorova A., Prodanova M., Miloshev N., Local to regional dilution and transformation processes of the emissions from road transport, Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application XIX. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, vol:C: Environmental Security, editor/s:Borrego, C., Miranda, A.I. , Publisher:Springer, Dordrecht. , 2008, ISBN: 2008
11 Dimitrova Reneta, Ganev K., Simple pollution transport model with parameterized vertical structure, Air Pollution Processes in Regional Scale. NATO Science Series, issue:30, editor/s:Melas, D., Syrakov, D. , 2003 2003
12 Zerefos Ch., Syrakov D., Ganev K., Vasaras A., Kourtidis K., Tzortziou M., Prodanova M, Dimitrova Reneta, Georgieva E., Yordanov D., Study of the pollution exchange between Bulgaria and Northern Greece, Large-Scale Scientific Computing. LSSC 2003. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol:2907, editor/s:Lirkov, I., Margenov, S., Waśniewski, J., Yalamov, P. , 2003, doi:, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.41 - 2003), SCOPUS Quartile: Q2 (2003) 2003
Статия в сборник (на конференция и др.)
1 Dzhambov A., Dimitrova V., Germanova N., Burov A., Brezov D, Reneta Dimitrova, Road, air, and rail traffic noise and the prevalence of hypertension and diabetes in Sofia, Bulgaria: A population-based study, Proc of the 14th ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, 2023 2023
2 Ivanov V., Dimitrova Reneta, Sensitivity to the WRF Model Configuration of the Wind Chill Index for Sofia Region – Preliminary Results, Proceeding of 1st International conference on Environmental protection and disaster RISKs, 2020, pages:79-89 2020
3 Velizarova M., Dimitrova Reneta, Study of one month event of high PM pollution for Sofia region., Proceeding of 1st International conference on Environmental protection and disaster RISKs, 2020, doi:, Ref, PhD 2020
4 Dimitrova Reneta, Danchovski V., Egova E., Vladimirov Е., Modelling the impact of vanish green areas on local meteorological conditions in Sofia, Bulgaria, Proc. of International Conference on Natural Science and Environment (ICNSE), 2018, pages:12-17, Ref, PhD 2018
5 Dimitrova Reneta, Z.Silver, T.Zsedrovits, H.J.S.Fernando, Numerical Simulations for Stably Stratified Flow in Complex Terrain for MATERHORN Field Program , The Proceedings of the Third Bulgarian National Congress on Physical Sciences, Publisher:Heron Press Ltd., 2017, pages:1-13, Ref, International 2017
6 Otárola-Bustos S., Reneta Dimitrova, Leo L.S., Alcafuz R., Escauriaza C., Yanez-Morroni G., Fernando H.J.S., On the Role of the Andes on Weather Patterns and Related Environmental Hazards in Chile, Proc. of the 96th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 2016, pages:1-9, doi:, International 2016
7 Reneta Dimitrova, Silver Z., Fernando H.J.S., Leo L., Di Sabatino S., Hocut C., Zsedrovits T, 16.3 intercomparison between different pbl options in wrf model: Modification of two pbl schemes for stable conditions, 94th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting , 2014, International 2014
8 Dimitrova Reneta, Fernando H. J. S., Silver Z., Leo L. S., Hocut C., Zsedrovits T., Di Sabatino S., Modification of Yonsei University boundary layer scheme in Weather Research and Forecasting meso-scale model for stable conditions, Proc. of Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes (HARMO16) conference, 2014, International 2014
9 Dimitrova Reneta, Hedquist B.C., Hyde P., Fernando H.J.S., Anderson J., Air Quality Modeling in Support of Children’s Health Studies, Proc. of the 89th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 2009, Ref, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2009
10 Ganev K., Syrakov D, Dimitrova Reneta, Prodanova M., Miloshev N., Study of the dilution and transformation processes of the emissions from road transport, Proc of the Second Accent Symposium The Changing Chemical Climate of the Atmosphere, 2009 2009
11 Ganev K., Reneta Dimitrova, Todorova A., Sirakov D., Miloshev N., Prodanova M., Dilution and Transformation Processes of the Air Pollution from the Road Transport – Study of the Models-3 System Sensitivity to Transport Scales and Resolution, Proc. of the 11th Intern. Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, 2007 2007
12 Reneta Dimitrova, Richards K., Weeks M., Vardoulakis S., Siny J.F., Schatzmann M., Borrego C., Evaluation of the wind field around buildings – numerical modelling study, Proc. of the 6th Intern. Conference on Urban Climate, 2006, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2006
13 Reneta Dimitrova, Sini J.-F., Richards K., Schatzmann M, CFD investigation of airflow around a simple obstacle with single heating wall, Proc. of the Atmospheric Sciences and Air Quality Conference, 2005, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2005
14 Vardoulakis S., Reneta Dimitrova, Richards K., Hamlyn D.,, Camilleri G., Weeks M., Sini J.F., Britter R., Borrego C., Schatzmann M., Moussiopoulos N., Numerical model inter-comparison for a single block building within ATREUS, Proc. of the 10th Intern. Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, 2005, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2005
15 Richards K., Schatzmann M., Leitl B., Dimitrova Reneta, Sini J.F., Wind tunnel modelling of thermal effects within the vicinity of a single block building with leeward wall heating: a validation study, Proc. of the 5th Intern. Conference on Urban Air Quality, 2005, в сътрудничество с чуждестранни учени 2005
16 Ganev K., Reneta Dimitrova, Miloshev N., Air flows and pollution transport in the Sofia valley under some typical background conditions, Proc. of the XXVI International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Applications, 2004, стр.:593-594 2004
17 Gromkova N, Ganev K., Yordanov D., Georgieva E., Reneta Dimitrova, Miloshev N., Dispersion regulatory model for designing new industrial stacks – software, Proc. of the 8th Intern. Conf. on Harmonization within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory purposes, 2002, стр.:180-184 2002
18 Ganev K., Reneta Dimitrova, Study of the effects of the Rila and Rhodope mountains on the mesoscale pollution transport, Proc. of the XXIII International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Applications, 2000, стр.:721-722 2000
Участие в конференция
1 Секционен доклад, Reneta Dimitrova, WPI.5 Quality of life in Bulgaria: What we have learned in the past 5 years? 2023
2 Секционен доклад, R. Dimitrova, H. J. S. Fernando, Z. Silver, S. L. Bardoel , WRF-LES Numerical Simulations of a Mixing Fog Event during C-FOG Campaign 2023
3 Секционен доклад, A. M. Dzhambov, V. Dimitrova, N. Germanova, A. Burov, D. Brezov, R. Dimitrova, Road, air, and rail traffic noise and the prevalence of of hypertension and diabetes in Sofia, Bulgaria: A population-based study 2023
4 Секционен доклад, М. Велизарова и Р. Димитрова, Сравнителен анализ и дескриптивна статистика за замърсяването в градовете София, Пловдив и Варна 2023
5 Секционен доклад, Tamás Dr. Zsedrovits, Z. Silver, R. N. Dimitrova, H. J. Fernando, Event Detection with Self-Organizing Maps for Feature Extraction of Wind Fields 2023
6 Секционен доклад, R. Dimitrova, H. J. S. Fernando, Z. Silver, S. L. Bardoel, C. E. Dorman, D. Koračin, E. Vladimirov, P. Giani, Fog simulation and forecasting - challenges and progress 2022
7 Секционен доклад, A. M. Dzhambov, K. Dikova, T. Georgieva, P. Mukhtarov, R. Dimitrova, Time Series Analysis of Asthma Hospital Admissions and Air Quality in Sofia – A Pilot Study 2022
8 Секционен доклад, M. Velizarova and R. Dimitrova, Impact of Regulatory Measures on Pollutants Concentration in Urban Street Canyon – A Pilot Study 2022
9 Секционен доклад, M. Velizarova, R. Dimitrova, A. Burov, D. Brezov, Dispersion modelling of air pollution in Sofia city 2022
10 Секционен доклад, S. Tsakovski, V. Danchovski, R. Dimitrova, P. Mukhtarov, Multivariate Statistical Modelling of Urban Air-Quality 2022
11 Пленарен доклад, Ренета Димитрова, Leveraging ground monitoring, satellite and modelling data to fill gaps in air quality data 2021
12 Секционен доклад, M.Velizarova, R.Dimitrova, A. Burov, Specifics of pollutant dispersion in street canyons 2021
13 Секционен доклад, Ренета Димитрова, Симулации с модела WRF на мъгла по канадското крайбрежие в Атлантика 2021
14 Секционен доклад, Маргрет Велизарова, Ренета Димитрова, Assessment of the Contribution of Different Particulate Matter Sources on Pollution in Sofia City 2021
15 Секционен доклад, М. Велизарова, Р. Димитрова, А. Буров, Специфика на замърсяването в уличен каньон 2021
16 Секционен доклад, Vladimir Ivanov and Reneta Dimitrova, Modelling the wind chill index for Sofia region using the WRF model – preliminary results 2020
17 Секционен доклад, Р. Димитрова, М. Велизарова, Дисперсионно моделиране на замърсяването на въздуха с аерозол в гр. София 2020
18 Секционен доклад, Margret Velizarova and Reneta Dimitrova, Study of one month high polluted PM event for Sofia region 2020
19 Секционен доклад, E. Gonzalez, R. Dimitrova, H. J. Fernando, R. Krishnamurthy, S. Wagh, SUP Jinadasa, S. Jayawardena, A. Muslim, Z. Hameed, V. Amelie, H. W. Wijesekera, An Anomalous Atmospheric Event during 2019 MISO-BOB Field Campaign 2020
20 Постер, Kirova, H., Batchvarova, E., Dimitrova, R., Vladimirov, E., Validation of WRF with detailed topography over urban area in complex terrain 2019
21 Секционен доклад, Barantiev D., Dimitrova R., Kirova, H., Batchvarova, E., Kolarova, M., Penchev, R., Vladimirov, E., Gueorguiev, O., Numerical simulations of wind field evolution over complex terrene against sodar measurements 2019
22 Пленарен доклад, Ренета Димитрова, Урбанизация и градски микроклимат 2019
23 Постер, Reneta Dimitrova, A. Sharma, Harindra J.S. Fernando, S. Wang and S. Wagh, High Resolution Numerical Simulations of Advection Fog Events during C-FOG Field Campaign 2019
24 Постер, Danchovski, V., Vladimirov, E., Egova, E., Barantiev, D., Ivanov, D., Dimitrova, R., Batchvarova, E., Statistical analysis of ceilometer overlap function 2019
25 Секционен доклад, Vladimirov Е., Dimitrova R. Danchovski V., Impact of data assimilation on short-term precipitation forecasts using WRF-ARW model 2019
26 Секционен доклад, Vladimirov, E., Dimitrova, R., Danchovski, V, Sensitivity of WRF model results to topography and land cover: study for the Sofia region 2018
27 Пленарен доклад, Ренета Димитрова, Градски микроклимат и стратегии за устойчиво развитие в урбанизираните райони 2018
28 Секционен доклад, 28. Dimitrova, R., Danchovski, Egova E., Vladimirov, E., Modelling the impact of vanish green areas on local meteorological conditions in Sofia, Bulgaria 2018
29 Секционен доклад, Egova, E., Dimitrova, R., Danchovski, Numerical Simulation of the Effect of Different Large-scale Flows on Local Circulation over Sofia Valley 2018
30 Секционен доклад, E. Vladimirov, R. Dimitrova, V. Danchovski, Impact of data assimilation on WRF model prediction: satellite data, surface and upper air observations 2017
31 Постер, Vladimirov E., Dimitrova R., Danchovski V., Satellite data assimilation impact on short-term forecasts for the Sofia region 2017
32 Секционен доклад, Evgenia Egova, Reneta Dimitrova, Ventsislav Danchovski , Numerical Simulations of the Effect of Different Large-scale Flows on Local Circulation over Sofia Valley, Bulgaria 2017
33 Постер, Egova E., Dimitrova R., Danchovski V., Study specifics of the meso-scale circulation under different large-scale conditions for Sofia region 2017
34 Постер, Reneta Dimitrova, S. Botev, Assess the impact of different emission scenarios for future air quality and crop yields in Bulgaria using TM5-FASST tool 2017
35 Постер, Danchovski V., Dimitrova R., Urban PBL evolution determined by ceilometer and weather prediction model in fair weatherover Sofia 2017
36 Секционен доклад, Dimitrova, R., S. Silver, T. Zsedrovits, and H.J.S. Fernando, Numerical Simulations for Stably Stratified Flow in Complex Terrain for MATERHORN Field Program 2016
37 Секционен доклад, R. Dimitrova, H.J.S. Fernando, Z. Silver, L. Leo, Modification of Yonsei University boundary layer scheme in Weather Research and Forecasting meso-scale model for stable conditions 2014
38 Секционен доклад, R. Dimitrova, Z. Silver, H.J.S. Fernando, L. Leo, S. Di Sabatino, C. Hocut, T. Zsedrovits, Intercomparison between different PBL options in WRF model: modification of two PBL schemes for stable conditions 2014
39 Секционен доклад, R. Dimitrova, B.C. Hedquist, P. Hyde, H. J. S. Fernando, J. Anderson, Air Quality Modeling in Support of Children’s Health Studies 2009
40 Секционен доклад, R. Dimitrova, Modelling and monitoring of PM10 in a semi-arid/arid area in support of health assessment study 2008
41 Секционен доклад, R. Dimitrova, Richards K., Weeks M., Vardoulakis S., Sini J.-F., Schatzmann M., Borrego C., Evaluation of the wind field around buildings – numerical modelling study 2006
42 Секционен доклад, K. Richards, M. Schatzmann, B. Leitl, R. Dimitrova, Wind tunnel modelling of thermal effects within the vicinity of a single block building with leeward wall heating: a validation study 2005
43 Секционен доклад, R. Dimitrova J.-F. Sini, K. Richards, M. Schatzmann, CFD investigation of airflow around a simple obstacle with single heating wall 2005
44 Секционен доклад, Ganev, K., Dimitrova, R., Miloshev, N, Air flows and pollution transport in the Sofia valley under some typical background conditions 2003
45 Секционен доклад, R. Dimitrova, Ganev, K., Simple pollution transport model with parameterized vertical structure 2002
46 Секционен доклад, Ренета Димитрова, Оценка влиянието на комплексни обекти върху замърсяването на атмосферния въздух 2001
47 Секционен доклад, Dimitrova R. and Ganev K., Some examples of the mesoscale topography effects on large scale air pollution transport 1999
48 Секционен доклад, Ganev K. and Dimitrova R., Study of the effects of the Rila and Rhodope mountains on the mesoscale pollution transport 1998
Участие в редколегия
1 Ренета Димитрова, Geo Studies, Участие в редколегия 2023
2 Reneta Dimitrova, Bulgarian Journal of Meteorology and Hydrology, Участие в редколегия 2017