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Научни приноси на д-р Александър Биков

Author ID (SCOPUS):57211074344
Статия в научно списание
1 Bikov, Aleksandar, Nenov, Nedyalko, On the independence number of (3, 3)-Ramsey graphs and the Folkman number F-e(3, 3; 4), AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS, vol:77, 2020, pages:35-50, ISSN (print):10344942, ISSN (online):22023518, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.472 - 2019), SCOPUS Quartile: Q3 (2020), MathSciNet 2020
2 Bikov, Aleksandar, Nenov, Nedyalko, On the independence number of (3, 3)-Ramsey graphs and the Folkman number F-e(3, 3; 4), AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS, vol:77, 2020, pages:35-50, ISSN (print):10344942, ISSN (online):22023518, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.472 - 2019), SCOPUS Quartile: Q3 (2020), MathSciNet 2020
3 A. Bikov, N. Nenov, On the vertex Folkman numbers F_v(a_1, ..., a_s; m - 1) when max{a_1, ..., a_s} = 6 or 7, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, preprint arxiv:1512.02051, vol:109, 2019, pages:213-243, ISSN (print):0835-3026, Ref SJR (0.272 - 2019), PhD 2019
4 A. Bikov, N. Nenov, Lower bounding the Folkman numbers F_v(a_1, ..., a_s; m-1), Annuaire de l'Universite de Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”, preprint arxiv:1711.01535, vol:104, 2017, pages:39-53 2017
5 A. Bikov, New bounds on the vertex Folkman numbers F_v(2, 2, 2, 3; 4), Mathematics and Education in Mathematics. Proceedings of the Forty Sixth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, preprint arXiv:1611.06418, 2017, pages:137-144 2017
6 A. Bikov, N. Nenov, The edge Folkman number F_e(3, 3; 4) is greater than 19, GEOMBINATORICS, preprint arxiv:1609.03468, vol:27, issue:1, 2017, pages:5-14 2017
7 A. Bikov, N. Nenov, The Vertex Folkman numbers F_v(a_1, ..., a_s; m - 1) = m + 9, if max{a_1, ..., a_s} = 5, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, preprint arXiv:1503.08444, vol:103, 2017, pages:171-198, ISSN (print):0835-3026, Ref SJR (0.272 - 2017), PhD 2017
8 A. Bikov, N. Nenov, Modified vertex Folkman numbers, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics. Proceedings of the Forty Fifth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, Pleven, Bulgaria, preprint arXiv:1511.02125, 2016, pages:113-123 2016
9 A. Bikov, Small minimal (3, 3)-Ramsey graphs, Annuaire de l'Universite de Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”, preprint arxiv:1604.03716, vol:103, 2016, pages:123-147 2016
Участие в конференция
1 Секционен доклад, Александър Биков, New bounds on the vertex Folkman number F_v(2, 2, 2, 3; 4) 2017
2 Секционен доклад, Александър Биков, Lower bounding the Folkman numbers F_v(a_1, ..., a_s; m-1) 2017
3 Секционен доклад, Александър Биков, On a problem of Erdos and Hajnal 2017
4 Секционен доклад, Александър Биков, Модифицирани върхови Фолкманови числа 2016
5 Секционен доклад, Александър Биков, The edge Folkman number F_e(3, 3; 4) is greater than 19 2016
6 Секционен доклад, Александър Биков, Малки минимални (3, 3)-Ramsey графи 2016