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Научни приноси на гл. ас. Севдан Неделчев
Статия в научно списание
1 Sevdan Nedelchev, Milka Elshishka, Stela Lazarova, Georgi Radoslavov, Peter Hristov, Vlada Peneva, Calcaridorylaimus castaneae sp. n. (Nematoda, Dorylaimidae) from Bulgaria with an identification key to the species of the genus , ZooKeys , брой:410, 2014, стр.:41-61, doi:doi: 10.3897/zookeys.410.6955 , Ref, Web of Science 2014
2 Nedelchev, S., Pilarska, D., Takov, D., Golemanski, V., Protozoan and nematode parasites of the American coakroach periplaneta Americana(L.) from Bulgaria., Acta. zool. bulg., том:65, брой:3, 2013, стр.:403-408, Ref, Web of Science 2013
3 Sevdan NEDELCHEV 1,, Danail TAKOV 2, Daniela PILARSKA 2, Prothallonema tomici n. sp. (Tylenchida: Sphaerulariidae) parasitising Tomicus piniperda (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in Bulgaria. , Nematology, том:13, брой:6, 2011, стр.:741-746, Ref, Web of Science 2011
4 Sevdan Nedelchev, Danail TAKOV, Daniela Pilarska, Prothallonema tomici n. sp. (Tylenchida: Sphaerulariidae) parasitising Tomicus piniperda (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in Bulgaria. , Nematology, том: Vol. 13, брой:6, 2011, стр.:741-746, Ref, Web of Science 2011
5 Nedelchev S., Takov D., Pilarska D., Parasitic and Associated Nematodes of Bark Beetles in Bulgaria. , Acta. zool. bulg., брой:2, 2008, стр.:83-90, Ref, Web of Science 2008
6 Nedelchev S., Peneva V., Description of the male of Mesodorylaimus chipevi Nedelchev & Peneva, 2000 (Nematoda: Dorylaimidae) from Livingston Island, Antarctica., Russian Journal of Nematology, том:15, брой:2, 2007, стр.:75-77, Ref, Web of Science 2007
7 Lazarova,S., Nedelchev,S., Peneva,V., New records of plant nematodes in Bulgaria. , Comtes rendus de l”Academie bulgare des Sciences , том:57, брой:5, 2004, стр.:97-98, Ref, Web of Science 2004
8 Nedelchev S., Peneva V., Description of three new species of the genus Mesodorylaimus Andrassy, 1959 / Nematoda : Dorylaimidae / from Livingston Island, Antarctica, with notes on M. imperator Loof, 1975. , Russian Journal of Nematology, том:8, брой:2, 2000, стр.:161-172, Ref, Web of Science 2000
9 Peneva V., Nedelchev S., Plant nematodes of two oak forests in north- west Bulgaria. , Annuaire de L`Universite de Sofia `` St. Kliment Ohridski ``,, том:91, брой:1, 2000, стр.:39-47 2000
10 Peneva V., Neilson R., Nedelchev S., . Mononchid nematodes from oak forests in Bulgaria. 1. The subfamily Anatonchinae Jairajpuri 1969 with descriptions of Anatonchus genovi sp. n. and Tigronchoides quercus sp.n., , Nematology, том:1, брой:1, 1999, стр.:37-53 1999
11 Peneva V., Choleva B., Nedelchev S., . Description of Longidorus fagi n.sp. / Nematoda, Dorylaimida / with an identification key to the species of the genus occurring in Bulgaria. , Systematic Parasitology , том:36, 1997, стр.:115-122, Ref, Web of Science 1997
12 Chipev N., Peneva V., Nedelchev S., Abundance and Distribution of Nematode Feeding Groups in Relation to Habitat on Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. , Bulgarian Antarctic Research, Life, 1996, стр.:82-92, Ref, Web of Science 1996
13 Peneva V., Chipev N., Nedelchev S., Prionchulus punctatus Cobb, 1917 a new record from Patagonia / Chile /, with notes on other Monon- chids from Antarctic regions. , In : Bulgarian Antarctic Research. Life Sciences. Sofia – Moscow , 1996, стр.:93-101 1996
14 Peneva V., S. Nedelchev, Longidorus aetnaeus F. Roca at all. 1986 / Nematoda : Dorylaimida / a first recerd from Bulgaria and description of a male specimen. , Syst. Parasit. , том:31, 1995, стр.:215-219, Ref, Web of Science 1995
15 Peneva V., Nedelchev S., New recodrs of plant nematodes from oaks / Quercus spp. / in Bulgaria. , Comp. Rend. de l` Acad. Bulg. Sci.,, том:38, брой:3, 1995, стр.:61-62, Ref, Web of Science 1995
16 Nedelchev S., J. J. s` Jacob, Twe new species of Diphtherophora /DIPHTHEROPHORIDAE, NEMATODA /. , Nematol. Medit., том:21, 1993, стр.:291-294, Ref, Web of Science 1993
17 Peneva V., S. Nedelchev, On the morphology and distribution of Rotylenchus agnetis Szczygiel, 1968 / Nemata : Hoplolaimidae / in Bulgaria. , Findam. Aappl. Nematol.,, том:15, брой:1, 1992, стр.:91-96, Ref, Web of Science 1992
18 Choleva L., Y. Peykova, S. Nedelchev, Study on distribution of nema- tode virus vectors / fam. Longidoridae / of raspberry crops in Bulgaria. , Hel –, том:32, 1992, стр.:5-9, Ref, Web of Science 1992
19 Чолева, Б, Неделчев, С., Пенева, В., Костадинова, А., . Изпитване на препарата Каунтер срещу паразитни фитонематоди в горски разсадници. , Горско стопанство, том:6, 1989, стр.:17-19 1989
20 Nedelchev S., B. Choleva, Twe new species of Diphtherophora /Diphtherophoridae, Nematoda / from Bulgaria. , Nematologia mediteranea, том:17, 1989, стр.:7-10, Ref, Web of Science 1989
21 Гатева Ш., Севдан Л. Неделчев, Нови видове за фитонематодната фауна на България. , Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, том:22, 1983, стр.:76-81, Ref, Web of Science 1983
Статия в сборник (на конференция и др.)
1 Tsvetkov, I., Dzhambazova, T., Batchvarova, R., Nedelchev, S., NEMATODE DIVERSITY IN GF677/'ROYAL GLORY' NURSERY PLANTS INOCULATED WITH MYCORRHIZAS AND BIO CONTROL BACTERIA. , Acta Hortic. 1084, 591-596, 2015, doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1084.80 2015
2 Choleva B, Y.Tzvetkov, S. Nedelchev, Non-chemical control of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne complex) in glasshouse conditions and of Xiphinema index in vineyards., Proceedings of the Fourth International Con- gress of Nematology. 8-13 june 2002.Tenerife, Spain., редактор/и:R.C. Cook and D.J.Hunt , издателство:Nematology Monographs and Perspectives.Vol.2, 2004, стр.:159-164, Ref, Web of Science 2004