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Научни приноси на ас. д-р Илия Атанасов
Научен проект
1 Илия Атанасов, Културни измерители, икономическо поведение, финансови кризи и системен риск, Член, , Номер на договора:0-10-200/27.05.2022 2022
2 Илия Атанасов, Информационно претоварване при вземане на икономически решения, Член, , Номер на договора:№ 80-10-105/25.03.2021 2021
3 Илия Атанасов, Сива икономика и икономическо развитие, Член, , Номер на договора:No 80-10-192/06.04.2021 2021
4 Илия Атанасов, Автоматична идентификация на аномално потребителско поведение в онлайн среда., Член, , Номер на договора:№ 80-10-204/28.04.2020 2020
Статия в научно списание
1 Anton Gerunov, Ilia Atanasov, Mihail Yanchev, Dimiter Shalvardjiev, George Mengov, Henrik Egbert, Lora Dineva, Reni Pantcheva, Alexandra Korcheva, Drivers of perceptions towards euro adoption among the young: evidence from Bulgaria, ACCESS: Access to science, business, innovation in digital economy, vol:5, issue:2, 2024, pages:185-206, ISSN (online):2683-1007, doi:, Ref, IF, IF (0.8 - 2023), др.(ROAD, DOAJ, RePEc, EconPapers, etc.), International 2024
2 Teodor Sedlarski, Ilia Atanasov, Alexandra Korcheva, How Much is too Much? An Endogenous Growth Model with an Optimal Level of Informality, Bulgarian Economic Papers (BEP), issue:2, 2023, pages:2-17, ISSN (online):2367-7082, Ref, International, PhD 2023
3 Stefan Petranov, Dimitar Zlatinov, Ilia Atanasov, The Shadow Economy in Bulgaria during the period 2006-2019, Economic Studies Journal, vol:31, issue:5, 2022, pages:3-18, ISSN (online):0205-3292, Ref, Web of Science 2022
4 Dimitar Zlatinov, Ilia Atanasov, Absolute and Conditional Convergence: A Story about Convergence Clubs and Divergence in the EU, Economic Studies Journal, том:2, 2021, ISSN (print):0205-3292, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.2 - 2019), SCOPUS Quartile: Q3 (2021), др.(Journal of Economic Literature/EconLit, RePEc, EBS) 2021
5 Anton Gerunov, Ilia Atanasov, George Mengov, Time Series Decomposition for Anomalous E-commerce Transactions, Bulgarian Economic Papers, issue:4, 2020, pages:39-56, ISSN (online):2367-7082, Ref, др.( EconPapers, RePEc, IDEAS, CEEOL и EZB ) 2020
6 Dimitar Zlatinov, Bozhidar Nedev, Ilia Atanasov, Nedko Kosev, Effects on the Economic Growth in Bulgaria During the Transition to Low-carbon Economy in the Energy Sector , Economic Studies, vol:28, issue:6, 2019, pages:110-127, ISSN (print):0205-3292 , Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.25 - 2008), SCOPUS Quartile: Q2 (Economics, Econometrics, Finance), др.( RePEc), PhD 2019
7 Ilia Simeonov Atanasov, Uncertainty in Social Networks: A Matter of Opinions, IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol:52, issue:25, 2019, pages:494-497, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.332 - ), др.(INSPEC), PhD 2019
8 Ilia Atanasov, Imperfections in International Technology Flows, Bulgarian Economic Papers, issue:02-2017, 2017, ISSN (online):2367-7082, Ref, др.( EconPapers, RePEc, IDEAS, CEEOL и EZB ), PhD 2017
Статия в сборник (на конференция и др.)
1 Anton Gerunov, Ilia Atanasov, George Mengov, Agent Irrationality in Socio-Economic Choices, International Conference AUTOMATICS AND INFORMATICS`2023, October 05 - 07, 2023, Varna, Bulgaria (ICAI'23), Publisher:IEEE Press, 2023, pages:160-163, ISBN:979-8-3503-1291-1, doi:10.1109/ICAI58806.2023.10339083, Ref, IEEE Xplore, PhD 2023
2 Ilia Atanasov, George Mengov, Anton Gerunov, Expert information, economic rumors, and market self-organization: A lab study, Proceedings of International Conference Automatics and Informatics (ICAI), editor/s:Nikolov, N. et al., Publisher:IEEE Press, 2021, pages:246-248, ISBN:978-1-6654-2661-9, doi:10.1109/ICAI52893.2021.9639666, Ref, Web of Science 2021
3 Илия Атанасов, Влиянието на човешкия капитал върху възприемането на интернет: сравнително изследване, сборник с доклади от конференцията "Икономическа и социална [Дез]интеграция", 2020, стр.:54-60, ISBN:978-619-202-565-6 2020
4 Ilia Atanasov, Internet and Economic Growth in the Beginning of the XXI Century, Proceedings of the international conference "Economic Challenges: Development, Welfare, Integration, 2019, pages:451-460, ISBN:978-619-232-222-9, PhD 2019
5 Илия Атанасов, Георги Менгов, Economic Agents’ Strategies Under Limited Information, Proceedings of the international conference "Automatics and Informatics", October 4-6, 2017, 2017, стр.:305-308, ISSN (online):1313-1850, PhD 2017
Участие в конференция
1 Секционен доклад, Илия Атанасов, Uncertainty in Social Networks: A Matter of Opinions 2019
2 Присъствие, Илия Атанасов, Присъствие 2019
3 Секционен доклад, Илия Атанасов, Влиянието на човешкия капитал върху възприемането на интернет: сравнително изследване 2019
4 Секционен доклад, Илия Атанасов, Internet and Economic Growth in the Beginning of the XXI Century 2018
5 Секционен доклад, Илия Атанасов, Economic Agents’ Strategies Under Limited Information 2017
6 Секционен доклад, Илия Атанасов, Миграция и икономически кризи 2016
7 Секционен доклад, Илия Атанасов, Imperfections in International Technology Flows 2016