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Научни приноси на Николай Шегунов

Author ID (SCOPUS):57200576721

Researcher ID (Web of Science):AAL-4917-2021

Друго (научно-популярни и др. под.)
N Shegunov, Exa-Dune -- Flexible PDE Solvers, Numerical Methods and Applications, 2019
Статия в научно списание
1 Nikolay Shegunov, Oleg Iliev, On Dynamic Parallelization of Multilevel Monte Carlo Algorithm, Cybernetics and Information Technologies, vol:20, issue:6, 2020, pages:116-125, ISSN (print):1311-9702 , ISSN (online):1314-4081, doi:10.2478/cait-2020-0066, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (2.1 - 2019), SCOPUS Quartile: Q2 (2020), International 2020
2 I Hristov, R Hristov, S Dimova, P Armyanov, N Shegunov, I Puzynin, T Puzynina, Z Sharipov, Z Tukhliev, Parallelizing multiple precision Taylor series method for integrating the Lorenz system, arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.14993, 2020, Ref 2020
Статия в поредица
1 I. Hristov, R. Hristova, S. Dimova, P. Armyanov, N. Shegunov, I. Puzynin, T. Puzynina, Z. Sharipov, Z. Tukhliev, Parallelizing multiple precision Taylor series method for integrating the Lorenz system, Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol:Advanced Computing in Industrial Mathematics. BGSIAM 2020., issue:1076, editor/s:Georgiev, I., Kostadinov, H., Lilkova, E., Publisher:Springer, Cham, 2023, pages:55-66, ISSN (print):1860949X, ISBN:978-303120950-5, doi:, Ref, SCOPUS, SJR (0.208 - 2023), International 2023
2 O. Iliev, N. Shegunov, P. Armyanov, A. Semerdzhiev, I. Christov, On Parallel MLMC for Stationary Single Phase Flow Problem, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, issue:13127, Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland, 2022, pages:464-471, ISSN (online):1611-3349, Ref, SCOPUS, SJR (0.32 - 2022), SCOPUS Quartile: Q3 (2022), PhD 2022
3 I. Hristov, R. Hristova, S. Dimova, P. Armyanov, N. Shegunov, I. Puzynin, T. Puzynina, Z. Sharipov, Z. Tukhliev, On the efficient parallel computing of long term reliable trajectories for the Lorenz system, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, issue:2933, 2021, pages:78-88, ISSN (online):1613-0073, doi:, Ref, SCOPUS, SJR (0.228 - 2021), International 2021
4 I. Hristov, R. Hristova, S. Dimova, P. Armyanov, N. Shegunov, I. Puzynin, T. Puzynina, Z. Sharipov, Z. Tukhliev, OpenMP Computing of a Reference Solution for Coupled Lorenz System on [0,400], CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol:Proceedings of the 9th International Conference "Distributed Computing and Grid Technologies in Science and Education", issue:3041, editor/s:Vladimir Korenkov , Andrey Nechaevskiy, Tatiana Zaikina, 2021, pages:153-157, ISSN (online):1613-0073, doi:, Ref, SCOPUS, SJR (0.228 - 2021), International 2021
Статия в сборник (на конференция и др.)
1 Iliev, Oleg, Shegunov, N., Armyanov, P., Semerdzhiev, A., Christov, I., On Parallel MLMC for Stationary Single Phase Flow Problem, LARGE-SCALE SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING (LSSC 2021), vol:13127, 2022, pages:464-471, ISSN (print):0302-9743, ISSN (online):1611-3349, ISBN:978-3-030-97548-7, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-97549-4_53 2022
2 Nikolay Shegunov, Petar Armyanov, Ivan Ivanov, Multi-threaded Approach for Generation of Random Boolean Networks, Proceedings of the thirteenth International Conference on Information Systems and Grid Technologies (ISGT’2020), Sofia, Bulgaria, May 29 – 30, 2020, editor/s:Vladimir Dimitrov, Vasil Georgiev, 2020, pages:193-199, ISSN (online):1613-0073, Ref, SCOPUS, SJR (0.177 - 2020), International, PhD 2020
3 Petr Zakharov, Oleg Iliev, Jan Mohring, Nikolay Shegunov, Parallel Multilevel Monte Carlo Algorithms for Elliptic PDEs with Random Coefficients, International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computing, Publisher:Springer, Cham, 2020, pages:463-472, Ref, International 2020
4 I. Hristov, R. Hristova, S. Dimova, P. Armyanov, N. Shegunov, I. Puzynin, T. Puzynina, Z. Sharipov, Z. Tukhliev, Parallelizing multiple precision Taylor series method for integrating the Lorenz system (, , 2020, ISSN (online):2331-8422, Ref, International 2020
5 Peter Bastian, et al, Nikolay Shegunov, Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2016-2019, Exa-Dune—Flexible PDE Solvers, Numerical Methods and Applications, editor/s:Barth, T.J., Griebel, M., Keyes, D.E., Nieminen, R.M., Roose, D., Schlick, T., Publisher:Springer, 2020, pages:225-269, ISSN (online):1439-7358, ISBN:978-3-030-47956-5, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-47956-5, Ref, International 2020
6 Shegunov, N., Armianov, P., Semerdjiev, A., Iliev, O., GPU accelerated Monte Carlo sampling for SPDEs, CEUR Workshop Proceedings , 2019, Ref, SCOPUS, SJR ( - 2019), International 2019
7 S. Dimova, I. Hristov, R. Hristova, I. Puzynin, T. Puzynina, Z. Sharipov, N. Shegunov, Z.Tukhliev., OpenMP parallelization of multiple precision Taylor series method.,, 2019, Ref, International 2019
8 SN Dimova, IG Hristov, RD Hristova, IV Puzynin, TP Puzynina, ZA Sharipov, NG Shegunov, ZK Tukhliev, Combined Explicit-Implicit Taylor Series Methods, Proceedings of the VIII International Conference” Distributed Computing and Grid-technologies in Science and Education”(GRID 2018), 2018, pages:544-548, ISSN (online):1613-0073, Ref 2018
9 Nikolay Shegunov, Petar Armyanov, Atanas Semerdjiev, Oleg Iliev, GPU Accelerated Monte Carlo Sampling for SPDEs, Proceedings of the Information Systems and Grid Technologies, editor/s: Vladimir Dimitrov, Vasil Georgiev, 2018, pages:99-106, ISSN (online):1613-0073, Ref, SCOPUS, SJR (0.177 - 2019), International 2018
10 Oleg Iliev, Jan Mohring, Nikolay Shegunov, Renormalization Based MLMC Method for Scalar Elliptic SPDE, nternational Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computing, Publisher:Springer, Cham, 2018, pages:295-303, Ref, International 2018
11 A. Avdzhieva, D. Aleksov, I. Hristov, N. Shegunov, P. Marinov, Circular arc spline approximation of pointwise curves for use in NC programming, 104-th European Study Group with Industry ESGI'104 September 23 - 27, 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria, Problems and Final Reports, Publisher:Demetra, 2014, pages:94-101, ISBN: 978-954-9526-87-5, PhD, MSc 2014
Участие в конференция
1 Присъствие, Nikolay Shegunov, Comparison Between Different Permeability Field Approximations in MLMC Applications 2019
2 Секционен доклад, Nikolay Shegunov, Toward exascale computations of uncertainty quantification for porous media flow using multilevel Monte Carlo 2016